EP 515 - SPELIVIA SCENE - A Long Walk- Part Two

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****Writer's Note: As requested here is Part two of two. This was actually very fun to write, so thanks to all who requested it. You asked for a "confrontation". Welp I gave it to ya! 😬😬😂😂 S/N None of what you're about to read would happen on the actual show. Clearly. LOL It's all in fun... Anyway, get into savage Liv and her crew! 😂

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Alisha looks at Spencer and Olivia with disdain.


What the hell is going on here?

(a beat, to Olivia)

You know you're a real piece of work. I can't believe I fell for that BS you were talking about earlier.


Alisha, listen... I--


(eyes Olivia)

What's she talking about, Liv?


(heavy sigh)

I reached out to her about coming here tonight. But I honestly didn't think she'd show. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. 

Spencer squeezes Olivia's hand before letting it go. 

A car pulls up in front of Spencer's house.


It's fine.

(to Alisha)

I'm still a little confused... You were the one who said you needed to take a step back.


Yes, because I wanted to give you your space. But I didn't expect you to be running around behind my back with this bitch!


Watch your mouth.


Who you calling a bitch?

A beat. The car door opens and KIA hops out. Another beat. She ties up her Jordans and stands by Olivia. Ready for any static.


You're the only trifling bitch I see standing here.

Alisha shoves Olivia and she stumbles back. Kia puts her hair in a ponytail and takes off her earrings. Patience comes out of the house pinning her long ponytail up.


Kia got your text--


Oh, see what we not gonna do is...

Kia gets in Alisha's face. Patience makes her way down the stairs and rushes over to Kia.


You either keep it cute... Or we can get it cracking.


(eyes Alisha)

We gotta problem?

Spencer pulls Kia and Patience back. A beat. The rest of the Vortex starts to trickle outside.


Alright, relax... Ain't nobody about to fight.

(to Alisha)

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