Chapter 27: King Rokar's escape

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Despite his capture by the Shadow kingdom, King Rokar of Saka was not one to give up easily. He had always been a cunning and resourceful leader, and he was determined to find a way to escape his captivity and regain his power.

For weeks, he bided his time, carefully studying the guards and the layout of the prison. He knew that the Shadow kingdom's security was tight, but he was confident that he could find a way out

Finally, one night, he put his plan into action. With the help of a few trusted followers, he managed to overpower his guards and escape from his cell. He made his way through the winding passages of the prison, fighting off Shadow soldiers as he went.

At last, he emerged into the night air, breathing in the sweet scent of freedom. But he knew that he was not safe yet. The Shadow soldiers would be searching for him, and he needed to get as far away as possible.

King Rokar fled into the nearby forest, moving swiftly and silently through the underbrush. He was exhausted and injured from his escape, but he pushed on, driven by his desire for revenge. 

Days turned into weeks, and King Rokar continued to elude the Shadow soldiers. He lived off the land, hunting and foraging for food, and sleeping in rough shelters that he built himself.

But he knew that he could not hide forever. Eventually, the Shadow kingdom would catch up with him, and he would have to face the consequences of his actions. But until then, he was determined to do whatever it took to regain his power and take his revenge on those who had wronged him


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