Chapter 11: Shadow's attack in Hidero

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The people of Hidero had always believed that they were safe from the conflict and war that had plagued the other kingdoms in Hagarzia. However, their peaceful existence was shattered when the Shadow's forces launched a secret attack on their country.

The attack came in the dead of night, when the people of Hidero were fast asleep. The Shadow's soldiers crept into the country, using stealth and surprise to overcome the small Hiderian army. The attack was brutal and merciless, with the Shadow's soldiers showing no mercy as they slaughtered innocent civilians and burned homes and buildings to the ground

The people of Hidero were stunned and terrified. They had never seen such violence before, and they were completely unprepared for the sudden attack. Panic spread throughout the country, and many people fled into the forests and mountains, hoping to escape the brutality of the Shadow's forces.

The Hiderian army, though small, put up a valiant fight, but they were no match for the Shadow's soldiers who were armed with powerful guns. The battle was short but intense, and the Hiderian army was quickly defeated. Many soldiers were killed, and those who survived were captured and taken as prisoners of war.

The Shadow's attack on Hidero was a clear violation of the peace agreement that had been established at the end of the war. The other kingdoms of Hagarzia were outraged, and they immediately mobilized their armies to come to the aid of Hidero.

The united armies of Hagarzia arrived in Hidero, and they engaged in a fierce battle with the Shadow's forces. The battle was long and bloody, but eventually, the united armies emerged victorious, and the Shadow's soldiers were driven out of Hidero.

The attack on Hidero was a stark reminder that peace and security in Hagarzia could never be taken for granted. It was also a testament to the strength and resilience of the people of Hidero, who despite the horrors they had experienced, continued to work towards a future of peace and prosperity. 


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