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Wooyoung's Pov:
After i talked with Minho, i wanted to talk with San too.

"Babe, can we talk before we go to the city?" I asked

"Sure" he said


"Okay, i have a great idea" i said while we're walking around

"Am I ready for that idea?" He laughed

"Ahh don't laugh at me, you need to listen to me" i whinned

"Okay, i'm sorry love. Now tell me your idea"

"Okay, so i think Minho might have a crush on that guy who looks like a squirrel. When i looked at Minho, he was staring at him while he was laughing at something. You could see the universe in his eyes when he looks at that kid Sannie"

"His name is Jisung by the way, and I think he  has a crush on Minho too. He was jealous when you and Minho hugged" he said

"Omg really? I want them to be together!!! They would be so cute"

"Now tell me your idea"

"Yeah, so i want them to be jealous at eachother"

"How do you want to do that?"

"I want you to be really close with Jisung and i will be very close with Minho. It will make them feel jealous that's sure"

"It will?" He asked

"Yes, i'm so sure about that"

"Okay then, let's do it but don't get too close to Minho..." he looked at the ground

"Omg, YOU ARE SO CUTE SANNIE. I won't, i love you so much" i kissed him

Well let's hope this will work...


Minho's Pov:
After everyone talked with everyone, we finally got on the bus.

Do i really need to sit with Jisung?

"Hey Jisungie, come here" said San to jisung

Jisungie? Really? I thought Wooyoung and San will sit beside eachother

Jisung walked to San and sit down beside him

Why are they smiling this much...

I rolled my eyes and looked over at the free seat beside Wooyoung

He smirked at me

"Come here sweetie, take a seat" he said

What the fuck. Sweetie? I thought we talked about this. That nothing will happen beetwen us. I mean, i guess he just wants to be friends.

I sighed then sit down beside him

"You will enjoy the whole ride with me Minho" he hugged me

"Don't hug me damn, i don't like it. I don't even hug my friends" i said

He rolled his eyes with a smile

I looked over to Jisung and San.

This is so annoying. Jisung laid his head on San's shoulder while they're listening to music with earpods

Why are they so close to eachother?

Wooyoung's Pov:
I looked over at Minho who was looking at Jisung

I smirked then texted San

I think this will work. Minho is so jealous over here ;)

You always have good ideas.

Ahwww thank youuu<3


Well Wooyoung had a really great idea. What do you think, will this help with Minho's and Jisung's situation?

Also i focused really on Minsung and i forgot about Hyunlix a little but i will write about them too don't worry☺️

See you next time💕

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