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Jisung's Pov:
Well, i slept for the while ride. Minho woke me up when we were at the airport.

"Come on sweetheart" said Minho

He parked his car.

We got out of the car, grabbed our bags.

"Still not going to tell me where we're going?" I asked

"You're so impatient babe. Alright, i'll tell you"

I waited for his answer.

"We're going to Hawaii"

I gasped

"WHAT?!!!!" I yelled. It was honestly my dream place. I always wanted to go there and mentioned it to Minho years ago.

He nodded and smiled at me.

"Omg, you remembered" i giggled

"Of course. I always remember everything about you. You're so precious to me" he grabbed my hand with one of his free hand.

"Thank you so much. I love you" i said looking at him.

"Oh don't look at me with that eyes" he turned his face away

"What eyes?" I asked, even though i know what he's talking about

"You look with that adorable eyes" he said

I smiled at him.

"Now come one, let's hurry up boyfriend" i said and we started to hurry.


We landed, we were in the car we rent for this whole one week trip.

Everything was so beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes of anything. It was so hot, i'm glad i'm wearing shorts.

Minho by my side is pretty much same as me. He likes it too, i can see.

We arrived at the hotel which looks so fucking expensive. It is near to the beach, which is so perfect.

"Minho, i feel bad because i haven't paid for anything"

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"Minho, i feel bad because i haven't paid for anything"

Minho put the bags on the ground and held my cheecks in his hands.

"Love, i want to spoil you. I have the money for this and i want to give you everything you deserve. Don't worry too much, it's a holiday after all" he kissed my lips

I melted in his touch and kissed back.

"I don't deserve you" i whinned

"Stop whinning, and let's go into our rooms finally. Don't you want to go swim in the water?"

"Of course i want, let's go!!!!!!" I said


I changed into my swim shorts and Minho did the same.

I couldn't help but stare at his body.

"Like what you see?" He smirked at me

"Hmm, i like it but mybe others will too which makes me a little jealous" i pouted.

He walked over to me and grabbed my waist

Our face was so close.

"But i'm yours, am i?" He asked looking at my lips

"You are" i smiled and kissed him

One of his hand migrated to my hair and he pulled it a little. This caused me to open my mouth so he slided  his tongue in my mouth.

I tapoed his shoulders and he stopped kissing me.

"We should stop, i still want to swim in the water" i giggled

He nodded and slapped my butt.

"Lee Minho, stop it and let's go" i looked at him serious

"Chill babe, you will make me even more hornier than i already am" he smirked at me



The whole day we were at the beach, but Min said we should change and go somewhere. I was confused, where he wants to go.

I decided to wear something cute.

Jisung's outfit

Jisung's outfit

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Minho's outfit

I looked in the mirror to check my look when hands were wrapped around my waist

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I looked in the mirror to check my look when hands were wrapped around my waist.

I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.

"You're really obsessed with my waist, aren't you?" I asked

"Well, you can't blame. You look so gorgeous" he kissed my cheek

"Thank you. You are handsome as always"

He smiled.

"Come on princess, we need to go"


Hello guys. Did you like this chapter?

School starts soon, i'm so sad about it :(

Anyways, i love you and stay safe❤️

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