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Jisung's Pov:

I fucking felt Minho's eyes on my body when we were walkind to the cafateria.

I will admit that he looks good tonight...


"Shit, what if the teacher will wake up to this?" Said Seungmin

"Oh don't worry dear, she won't" said Changbin whilw grabbing his hand

Atleast everyone except me has some love life. Congratulations to them.

We already could hear music at the entrance.

We openned the door and we were greeted with the colorful lights and music and a lot of people.

I thought this would be a bad party but it looks fine.

"I'm going to get a drink" i said

"Wait for me" said Felix

We were trying to get to the kitchen but it was so hard because of the crowd.

Finally me made it and i saw a lot of alcohol on the table.

"What do you want?" I asked

"The same you want, i don't really care"

I nodded

I looked up from the table to notice Felix smiling at me


"I saw the way you two looked at eachother"

"I don't know what are you talking about"

"Oh don't say this, you two flirted with eachother too"

"That wasn't flirting Felix"

"Sure sure, keep saying that bestie"

"We should go back to the others" i said

He nodded and we started to head back.

I noticed the others so went there

Everyone was there except two person

"Where is Minho and Hyunjin?" I asked Chan

"Uhm, there..." he pointed at the crowd

Then i noticed Minho and Hyunjin talking with some girls

Oh don't fuck with me.

I looked over at Felix who was glaring at the girls. Well i get him.

"Lix, i know you are angry right now but try to enjoy this night with me at least. Come on, let's dance" i said while grabbing his hand

We went into the crowd and a pretty good song started playing.

I grabbed Felix's waist and he put his arms around my neck.

We were dancing like that for a while, then i turned around and i started to move my hips to the music against Felix. He grabbed my hips and we danced like that.

Minho's Pov:

Oh shit.

Me and Hyunjin talked with some girl bacause they didn't want to leave us. My eyes spotted a figure in the crowd.

Jisung and Felix were dancing. They looked so fucking sexy like that. My eyes were just on Jisung.

I looked at Hyunjin who was looking with shocked expression at them. He then looked at me and smirked.


Hope you liked this

See you next time🤍

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