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Jisung's Pov:
I'm standing infront of the mirror looking at myself on the big day.

Yes, today is the day me and Minho are getting married. All of our friends are here, including San and Wooyoung.

I'm wearing a beautiful white dress because it makes me feel prettier.

(Or just use your imagination)

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(Or just use your imagination)

We are still on Hawaii because we decided to plan the whole thing here. My mother is here too, and Minho's parents too. This will be perfect i can see it myself but i still can't believe how many years passed since i met Minho. We were enemies. Or we just tried to, but our story is beautiful.

(The place)

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(The place)

I heard a knock on the door, and i saw Mr.Lee coming in. My father didn't come, but i gues it's for the better. Atleast my mother is here.

"It's time Jisung" he smiled

I smiled through the nerviousness.

I took a breath in and we walked out of the room.

After walking a little, i saw people and under the altar stood my husband, Minho who was smiling widely.

I could feel myself smiling too. Minho looked extremly handsome. I looked over the people and i saw my mother and my friend sitting there. They looked so proud.

When I reached the altar, Minho grabbed both of my hand and mouthed "you look beautiful love"

"You don't look bad either" i smirked

We stopped in fromt of the priest who started talking.

"We are gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses to join together Han Jisung and Lee Minho.

As the priest was talking, me and Minho just looked in each other's eyes with adoration. How silly we must look.

After a while i needed to tell my speech too.

"I, Han Jisung take you Lee Minho to be my husband, my partner, my friend, my soul mate. Together we will share our love with the world. In sickness, I will nurse you back to health. In poverty, I will do all that I can to make our love rich. And in wealth, I will never let our love grow poor."

"Now Lee Minho" said the priest

"Jisung, my love, my best friend. I always dreamt of meeting a man like you. I'm so glad that it came true. I love you every waking moment of my life. I am over the moon to be your husband. I will cheerish you with love that you deserve every moment"

Tears started rolling down on my cheeks whitch Minho wiped away. He had tears in his eyes too.

"Han Jisung, do you take Lee Minho as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do"

"And Lee Minho do you take Han Jisung as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do"

We slipped the rings into each other's ring finger.

"You may kiss each other" said the priest.

And we shared a passionate kiss. Everyone started clapping and cheering. Felix was crying so much, i was getting worried of his makeup.

And there was my mother. Who was smiling through tears. I have never seen her so proud and happy.

Everything was perfect and our life is just starting. I think this was fate, that we met each other at Starbucks. And how grateful am I for that.

It's just the beginning of our beautiful story.

    [ End ]

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