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Jisung's Pov:
I woke up 2 minutes ago and my head hurts so bad. Why did i drink that much yesterday...

Suddenly i felt the need to puke. I got up from my bed quickly and i got in the bathroom

I heard a knock on the door.

"Are you okay?"

It was Minho.

"Yeah, just go away" i said

Then i heard silence. I sighed and i washed my face with cold water. I look like shit

I decided to get ready and go for a walk because I have 15 minutes until breakfast.

I got out of the bathroom just to pick an outfit for the day.

Minho was looking through his suitcase probably finding clothes.

He was half naked. Seriously?..

I openned my suitcase and i chose an outfit.

I stood up with the clothes in my hands and i looked over to Minho

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I stood up with the clothes in my hands and i looked over to Minho.

He was now wearing a white sweatpants and a dark blue hoodie

He was now wearing a white sweatpants and a dark blue hoodie

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Shit, he looked good in these too...

After 2 minutes staring at him, he looked at me too.

"You won't get cold in that clothes? He asked

Why is he acting like he cares about me?! This make me annoyed

"Why do you care?" I asked after i rolled my eyes at him

"I don't care. Don't think about this too much, i just asked"

I looked at him annoyed and went back in the bathroom

Serously, i don't want to see him. The fact that he called me a slut, hurts so bad but he is handsome okay?!!! So it's making me harder to ignore him

After i brushed my teeth and got in my clothes, i went out of the bathroom and i realised that Felix amd Hyunjin are sleeping. TOGETHER

What?!!! I thought we will ignore both Minho and Hyunjin. Shit!!!

I went over to them and i shaked Felix

"Wake the fuck up" i said quiet

He started whinning and after a little he openned his eyes

"What?!" He asked annoyed

"I want to talk with you bitch, get the fuck up. You said yesterday that we can talk today" i said

"Yeah, i said that but i didn't mean morning you little shit" he got out of the bed after caressing Hyunjin's hair

"I'm so sorry that i disturbed your cute cuddling with Hyunjin but i want to talk now so hurry up and come to take a walk with me"

He rolled his eyes, grabbed clothes amd went in the bathroom

While i waited i sat on my bed and texted Seungmin and Jeongin

Rooting for Minsung😛🥹

Omg, this nickname. You guys still haven't changed it?!....
Anyways me and Lix will go for a walk, i have some shit to tell him but do you guys want to join?

Helloooo, yeah, of course we want to join, i have something to tell too👀

Yeah,yeah, i can go too

Okay then, see you in a bit

499 words
I'm sorry that you needed to wait☺️

See you next time🤍

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