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Minho's Pov:
I'm watching him sleeping in my arms peacefully.

I can't even believe that he is mine. He's so precious and gorgeous every time.

His head is on my chest, his lips parted a little. I haven't noticed his long lashes until now.

He started moving, then i finally been able to look in his beautiful eyes.

"Good morning sweetheart" i said while giving a kiss on his head

"Why were you looking at me the whole time i was sleeping" he pouted

"Just woke up without greeting me and you already complaning? I was just admiring your pretty face" i smiled

Gorgeous Hannie got shy so he snuggled to my neck so i wouldn't see him.

"You always say thing like that" i heard him whisper

"I know you like it love"

It was silent for awhile.

"I love you Min..."

Shit if my heart felt like it could jump out.

I hold his face gently with both of my hands and turned it towards me.

His pretty red cheek between my hands.

"Hannie, i know that i haven't had the opportunity to ask....but now i have it. I love you and i want to spend as much as time i can with you.....Ca-Can i be your boyfriend?"

He smiled and answered.

"Of course you can!!!! I thought you don't want to ask me"

I looked at him in the eye, then my eyes moved to his lips.

"Can i kiss you?" I asked

"You don't have to ask me. Just kiss me whenever you want"

He moved closer and connected our lips. It was full of love, slow which are so much better than the intensive one.

God how much i love him.


Jisung's Pov:

After an hour, we were already done with packing. The teacher said that we will go on the bus in 10 minutes. Until then, we are walking at the lake with the others.

"Not going to lie, i will miss this place" said Chan

"Same, we had pretty good memories here. I know that we don't really know each other THAT much but i would like to hang out with you guys more" said Wooyoung

"This is a good idea!!!!!" Said everyone

"Hey, Lix take a picture from me and Min" i gave my phone to Felix

"Min? Wow Jisung, i never though you would call him like that" Felix smirked at me

"Oh shut the fuck up and take a picture"

"Hey Min, Felix will take a photo from us, come here" i said

He nodded with a smile on his face.

Felix took some pictures and one got out really well.

"This is good!!!" I said still looking at the photo

"Send it to me" i heard a voice behind my back

"Ahww, you want the photo?" I hugged him

"Yes, i want it so quickly send it"

"Wait. I don't have your number"

"Shit, right. Here." He gave me his phone



Min💕:Thank you baby

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Thank you baby

"Lee Minho, don't message things like this to me"

"I know you likeeeee it!!"

Minho's Pov:

Cute photo, we just have to put it as my phone wallpaper now


A little longer chapter.
I hope you like it besties🥰

Minsung is cute

See you next time🤍

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