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Minho's Pov:

Hyunjin went over to Felix, grabbed him by the waist amd they started dancing.

Hyunjin gets everything so easily, here i am, standing and watching Jisung like a pussy.

Why am is like this? I usually don't give a fuck and just go over to girls or boys.

I noticed that Jisung started dancing alone, then i saw a boy behind his back, grabbing his hips.

Fuck no.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Hyunjin who was still dancing with Felix. He looked in my eyes then moved his eyes to Jisung.

I can read through the eyes so i knew what he meant.

Fuck it.

I went over to Jisung. He was dancing with this pervert.

"Hey, fucking let him go!" I said while glaring in the guy's eyes

"And who are you to say this to me?"

"I punch you in the face, and you will remember my name your whole life"
I said standing closer to him

"Try me you fucker"  he pushed me with his hands

"Okay, that's enough. Go away, i don't want to see a fight because of me" said Jisung to the guy.


Fucking hell, i won't let him go away with that.

"DON'T EVER CALL HIM A BITCH" i yelled while going after him

But then a felt Jisung infront of me

"Please, don't fight. He didn't hurt me with that. I don't care Minho"

I looked at him than at the guy and I sighed.

Jisung started to push me back into the crowd.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Let's dance, and don't think about that fucker,okay? Just enjoy the night"

I nodded

Music was still playing, some latin songs, so i grabbed his waist, he clasped his hands around my neck and we started to dance like that.

We were looking in each other's eyes for minutes then he smiled.

"Well, i won't lie, you were kinda hot when you helped me with that guy"

"Wow, well thank you for the compliment" I smirked at him

"Were you jealous?" He asked

"Why would you think that?" I raised my eyebrows

"Well, the way you glared at us showed that you were. It was really obvious"he smiled

"Who knows. If i say that i was what will you do?"

"Well" he said

He touched my chest with his warm hands.

"I can think of a few things"

Then i realised that our nose touched.

I felt his breathing against my lips and his strawberry scent.

My heart will jump out seriously. Is this really happening?


Sigh. I guess it won't happen again.

I stood further away from Jisung. Shit, this is awkward.

"Shit, guys where is the other door?!" Said Chan

"Probably there" pointed San at the back of the cafateria

Every students were running so i couldn't see anything. I started to walk towards the other door, and i thought that my friends are coming too.

But then i looked behind and i didn't see them.

Shit. Probably they found another exit.

"Minho!" Yelled someome


I tried to catch where the yelling came from, then i saw Jisung in the crowd.

"Come on" i said while holding his hand.

I started to run towards the door with Jisung.


Hope you liked it.

Big love from me

See you next time🤍

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