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Jisung's Pov:

We were now in a Japanesse restaurant near where i work. We were once here with Felix two years ago, but the place changed so much.

We already ordered our food, we were eating when a girl came over to us and looked at Minho.

"Omg, Minho it's so good to see you again" she smiled at him

Minho stopped eating and looked at her with a smile on his face. He stood up, and hugged her.

What the actual fuck.

"Soona, hi. Finally, we're talking in a person not just on the phone" he smiled at her


"Jisung, this is Soona, and Soona this is Han Jisung my boyfriend" he pointed at me

I gave her a fake smile.

"Hello Jisung. It's so good to mert you finally. I'm Soona"

I continued to fake smile amd nodded my head.

"I will be here in two minutes, i just need to talk with her for a little sweetheart" Minho told me but i didn't say anything

They went out of the restaurant and started talking.

I'm pissed as fuck. Who is she?!...


After 3 minutes, Minho finally came back to me.

While they were talking i just couldn't eat anymore.

"Why didn't you eat, love?" He asked

"Who is this Soona?" I asked looking at him

"She's just a friend of mine"

A friend. Hmm.

"How do you know her? I glared at him

"We met like three years ago at my work, but she's living in America. We couldn't see each other for years"

"Hmm, it must be so sad for you. You couldn't even tell me you met her?" I asked

"I didn't know it was important. I'm sorry gorgeous i haven't mentioned her before" he said looking guilty

I sighed. Minho loves me. We have been together for 5 years. I'm important to him.

"It's okay. Sorry i was being like this" i said smiling at him

"It's okay baby, no need to apologise. If you don't want to eat anymore, we can go. Also next week we're going on a trip. Just the two of us" he smiled and grabbed my hands

"What? Minho but i can't! I need to wor-"

"You own that place Jisung. You can do whatever the fuck you want"

He's right.


"No buts love. Now let's go"


After one week, we packed everything we needed on this trip. Minho haven't said where are we going but he said, i should pack shorts, skirts and dresses because it eill be hot there too. Intresting.

We packed in Minho's car, and we were ready to go to the airport. It was 3 in the morning. Minho said that it will be an 8 hours flight to the destination.

We dressed in shorts and hoodies because it is still a little cool at this hour.

"Okay sweeatheart, time to get in the car" he openned the door for me which cause me to giggle"

"Thank you gentelman"

He sat in the driving seat and he started the car.

He put one of his hand on my thigh and he started carresing it up and down.

This is ALWAYS causing me to feel some type of way..

"You're not sleepy baby?" He asked while driving.

"Just a little, but it's okay"

"You can sleep a little until we arrive to the airport"

"No, i want to be awake with you" i said while putting my hand on his that was still on my thigh.

"Okay baby"


This instagram account thing. I just don't want to write everything here because my whole story is almost about "A/N"

I hope you enjoyed.

Love you🤍

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