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Jisung's Pov:
Even though everyone was sleepy, we decided to celebrate a little. It was nothing big, just some beers, and talks.

"How about we play truth or drink?" Asked Felix

"Love, you have terrible ideas but let's do it" Hyunjin kissed Felix's cheek

We were on the floor. Felix spinned the bootle and it stopped at Minho.


"Hmm, okay Minho. Whe did you fall in love with Jisung?"

"Now i want to know this too" i said looking at him

"Probably when we had a bonfire for the first time here. We were singing and when i looked at you, i just felt something weird. I didn't know ehat was that until now. It was admaration" he smiled at me

Wow, this man here is perfect.

"Ahww that's so sweet!!! Hyunjin tell me something like that too" whinned Felix

"I will have so much time for that love"

"Oh so you mean that you want to be with me forever?"

"Of course. Isn't that obvious?"

"Why doesn't it seems like they got together today? It feels like they are a married couple since 20 years" I said while looking at them

"Do you want us to act like a married couple?" Minho asked with a smirk on his face

"Leave me alone Lee Minho. Don't even start"

He laughed.


After an hour we were now in out bed. Well to be honest Felix and Minho were in there bed just me and Hyunjin not.

I decided to sleep with Minho and Hyunjin with Felix.

It was dark, i was facing minho, who's arm was around my waist.

"Minho?" I asked


"Let's go in dates when we finally at home"

He started carresing my face

"Of course baby, i'd love to"

I smiled even though he can't see it clearly in the dark room.

"Hey, Ji"


"I love you so much"

His words made me feel warm. I felt butterflies inside my stomach. This man will cause me a heart attack some day.

"I love you too Min"


Shit. Did i do something wrong?!

"Oh...i mean yeah, sorry. I won't call you that again"

"Call me like that. It's cute"

Minutes in silence, him still carresing my cheek which made me so sleepy.

"Good night guys, i don't want to hear anyone moaning" Said Hyunjin with a laugh.

"Oh, good night but we won't promise anything" said Minho

"Shut up Minho" i said with a blushing face. Lucky that he can't see my face.

"Sorry angel. Let's just sleep, it's already so late"

I nodded amd got closer to him. My head on his chest, our toes touched. His arms around my waist.

"Good night pretty boy" he kissed the top of my head

"Good night Min"


I hope this book is not boring. I know it's slow but i still don't know how will i end this story. I have ideas but you know.

See you next time🤍

Love you

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