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Minho's Pov:

After some time we finally arrived at the lake where we couldn't see anyone.

The whole situation was actually funny. I though that our teacher won't find us but here we are.

Everyone run out of the cafateria while the teacher yelled at us. She will be angry tomorrow too...

"Come on, let's sit or something" sajd Jisung

"But what about your dress? Won't it get dirty?" I said while looking at him up and down

"I don't really care after this whole thing. I'm exhausted so let's lay down"

I nodded and laid in the grass

I looked up the sky.

"Stars are really beautiful today. I love stargazing" i said while i noticed Jisung beside me now laying too

"Yeah, me too. When i was a kid i used to do this with my mother"

"What about your father?" I asked still watching the stars

"Well we were never close to eachother and he is not living with us anymore"

"Can i ask why?"

"Well something happened beetwen him and my mother. I don't know what because my mother can't talk about it. Also my father wasn't happy when he found out that i am gay so my mother got angry about it and they argued"

"I'm sorry" i said

"No, it's okay. What about your parents if i can ask?"

"I have a great relationship with them actually. I don't have a brother or a sister which is really sad. Sometimes i need to talk with someone about stuff"

"You have friends though"

"It's not the same Jisung"

He nodded

"Well, if you want you can talk about stuff with me" Jisung said

I looked at him and he was looking at me too.

"Thank you. You can too" i smiled

He smiled

God, he's so pretty. Always. With makeup, withouth makeup, in dress, in a sweatpants. He's always beautiful.

And i hate to admit it because i am scared i will hurt him.

I haven's realised when i did it but one of my hand was on his cheek and i was caressing it.

Why am i so brave tonight? Maybe the alcohol?..

"You are so beautiful" i said while looking at him and still caressing his face

He looked surprised but then he put one of his hand on top of my hand on his cheek.

He closed his eyes and scooted closer

His beautiful eye lashes which is so long you don't need to put mascara on.

"So so beautiful"

Now i went closer to him and we were now so close to eachother.

"Why are you so kind to me these days?" He asked looking in my eyes

I can feel his breathing on my lips.


"How could i not? Look at you. So pretty inside and out"

He quickly put one of his hands infront of his face.


"Are you shy right now Jisungie?" I smiled


"Oh come on than, show me your pretty face"

He slowly took off his hand off his face and i saw that his cheeks are pinkish.

After some minutes of staring at eachother, he put his hand on my hair and started to caress it.

Then he came closer so out nose touched.

My heart beats so fast, i need to fucking calm down because i can feel myself blushing now.

I was so in my my thoughts, i haven's realised that a lips is on my lips.

Wait. Jisung is kissing me?!!!!

It was a small kiss but i didn't kiss back because i was shocked.

Jisung looked at me with a horrific expression

"Omg, i'm so sorry Minho! I don't know what am i do-"

I kissed him. I fucking kising him.

I grabbed his waist amd pulled him closer to my body.

He finally kissed back.

The kiss was slow, full of emotions. I caught his bottom lip between mine until his lips parted when i took the chance to slide in my tongue.

Shit what am i doing?...



Welcome guys, i know you were inpatient and i'm sorry for it.

Hope you liked it because it's hard to write a kissing scene when english is not my first language.

See you next time🤍

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