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Title: Stormy!

An essential oath we all learn as children is universal, linking your pinkies and vowing your loyalties. No one thought about it too hard as children, but promises never vanished as kids grew older - they became more meaningful.
For (Y/N) she was deemed childish for demanding these vows to secure that her friends and neighbors would do what they have promised her. It was a more efficient than constant reminders, it meant more to her that they took the initiative and time to remember what she asked for. She understood everyone occasionally forgets, she wasn't one to hold a grudge and considered herself lenient when it came to her own feelings being hurt.
Despite this, this one exception she refused to bow down too.
Wally wasn't mean on purpose, but his actions can sometimes be meaner unintentionally.
  Today she had felt lonelier than a single curly fry at the bottom of a take out bag, Wally had promised he'd come by to paint her portrait - he asked her! Here she was, staring out on a rainy day awaiting his arrival. After the shows run had ended, the entire neighborhood had followed Wally into his own bubble of a universe. They lived harmoniously and loved each others company, he grew protective of them all and a little obsessive over the order maintained in his own world. Any disagreements were made up same day, he refused any later and would mediate between feuding friends.
  He was kind like that, he was the Wally Darling. Although, (Y/N) had wished sometimes he was that attentive to individuals like herself. He had asked for her to pose so she dolls herself up, she wore her grandmothers pearls and a pendant from her father. She had even asked Julie to come by and do her hair, the amount of hair spray the woman used was astonishing and they were both surprised the o-zone still existed afterwards. She had even stayed longer to do her makeup, she couldn't tell her friend how much she appreciated her help and Julie thanked her for allowing it. Julie had made her own departure before the clouds came in any more, her own do wouldn't if she was caught in the rain and she wasn't going to risk it!
  There she sat beside her window at her table, a cup of heavily sugar'd and cream coffee cooling down for her to drink. She hadn't even eaten because she didn't want to miss Wally coming by the door. As she thought she tried to remember all the good memories, and it hit her harder that maybe Wally didn't appreciate her own time.
  They had made a pinkie promise, the reflection in the window and rain pelting it didn't make her feel any better either.
  Frustrated she left the table, urging herself to go up the stairs and get comfortable in her jammies - he's missed out on his model so she'll eat a tub of ice cream and go to bed!
  Half way up the stairs she hurt a rushed knock, oh what a love struck fool she is when she turned back and ran down the stairs - flinging the door open there he was. Canvas soaked, his own eyes adorned with tears, hair soaping wet and covering his face.
  "Wally!! Quickly come in, you'll catch a cold!" She pulled him in and shut the door, her mind made a checklist and she gathered him a blanket, chair and towel for his head. The poor puppet man looked like a poodle after a bath, a sad one with the tears.
  "Where were you?" He asked, wringing his hair out and picking out the leaves that had made their homes there.
  (Y/N) quirked up an eyebrow, "Where was I? Where were you?! In the middle of the storm?"
  Wally shot her a sharp look, standing up he stepped towards her making her take an instinctive step away from him, "I was waiting. In the meadows. You left me to play dress up with Julie." His words were hard, as if accusing her of standing him up. As if? That's what he was doing exactly, how'd he even know Julie came by?!
  She bursted laughing, leaving the wet man confused but he relaxed a bit more. Her sides began to hurt so she held onto his shoulders, "I- I had thought you forgot about me! I thought you were doing it! Here!!" She continued her laughter, to him it wasn't as funny being left out to the weather and getting his paints wet. He'd have to throw them out!
  Though seeing her happy hit the soft spot in his heart.
"I honestly was angry, like you forgot me again." She admitted, he scoffed and gave her his signature smile, "Like I could forget (L/N)! You were always bumping into other people on set BUT me! I thought you hated silly ol' Darling."
She gave an offended gasp, "They wrote the script that way!" She gave him a gentle punch on his arm. He threw a towel on his head, leaving a gap to watch her gleam at him, "I'd never forget a pinkie promise."
(Y/N) nodded, sitting on the floor next to him as he dried himself, "I know you'd never on purpose." She leaned her arm and head on his leg, if he had a camera he'd take a picture. Maybe if he stared long enough he could remember it and as soon as he gets home he can draw this scene. Keep this memory forever.

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