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Title: His Holyness pt.3 [FINAL]
-Billy Idol is so fine-

TW: Priest Wally AU, House is a Church, religion, violence, unhealthy relationship, !obsession!, angst?

  Light humming came from the pews, dust being swept up and into piles along with stray candy wrappers and missing buttons. (Y/N) wild hair was tied into a neat bun, and she no longer wore loose dresses. Darling had insisted if she would be the Priest's wife - she had to look the part too. No makeup but chapstick, Wally loved sneaking kisses to lick the flavored beeswax, a part of her enjoyed it since she had feelings for the Priest but now that she's seen him for who he was - she felt more than confused. At night she mourned Howdy and Frank, she felt terrible when Julie or Eddie would ask her more questions since she moved into the church with Wally. More-so felt guilty for keeping the secret from Eddie, she knew how much he cared for Frankly. Eddie even was more worried about Frank maybe getting kidnapped before coming to the church, not suspecting the Father at all. Julie had asked about children, it made her feel sick at the possibility of Wally using her to birth an anti-christ - she wouldn't put it past him. She was thankful he kept their bed separate, Wally did tease her that after the wedding they'd push the mattresses together. He was the voice of the Devil with the hands of God, but he was a gentleman the least.
  The thought made her internally scoff, no gentleman would retch a living person's soul out of their body or feed them to a living church. Remembering the panels below her actually could breathe, the sound of pipes heating up and the wood settling were all part of a conscious being. She felt eyes burning into her, even when Wally would leave. (Y/N) had put two and two together, he was comfortable leaving her alone here because of the sentient church. Wally opened the door, beaming as if the sky had rained gold upon him, "My dear wife-to-be!"
  He ran up and gave her a hug, the force made her drop her broom as it clattered against the pews before meeting the floor, "Oh how I missed you!" A small tear fell down his cheek, he placed dollops of wet kisses everywhere on her face, she could feel the stiffness of his hair grace her forehead depending on where his lips landed.
  She struggled and grunted, trying to cease his onslaught, it felt like it singed her skin the more he left. She'd have to take a bath that night.
  "Please, Father-" Wally placed a single finger on her lips, he smelt of apples and cedar wood as always and it made her heart skip a beat.
  "Don't call me Father, we are getting married please," he motioned up to himself, almost posing to show off his unblemished tanned skin and his classic hair that took him hours to get right, "Call me Wally, your darling Darling, fiancée and Devils Advocate!"
  She pushed him off, he acted as it was nothing and stood there with his arms crossed.
  For him, he no longer got angry when she would do the things that use to piss him off. Rejecting him, insulting him, some days she'd snap her teeth at him and try to yank off a finger or two. She was like a tiny dog trying to set up boundaries in his territory, everything was his and if it wasn't - it soon will be just like his (Y/N).
  It was possessive, it made him purr in ecstasy. The taste of the word on his tongue was heavenly and he'd give anything to keep it. She was like a dream, fresh air from the stuffy conservative ruling of the millionth rendition of the "true" faith.
  Hours past and dinner came, (Y/N) cooked dinner as she's done the last few days while he planned their union. He imagined white flowers would litter the walls and he found a box of incense he'd burn along the aisle. He didn't know if (Y/N) had any traditions. Looking up from his scrapbook, he saw her across the table from him picking at her food. She rolled her peas and would pick and drop her steak back onto the plate, at one point he saw she'd press the juices out of the steak and let it look around the bottom.
He knew she wasn't acting like her usual self, he knew that after the death of Frank and Howdy she'd never look at him the same. It was fate that she'd witness it, be it the two or the whole town. Now he'd have her see the later during their wedding ceremony to seal the deal. He was debating on after she tosses the bouquet or when he places the ring on her finger, Wally did like his dramatics. He was a showman, his script was once the biblical texts but now he's considered a preacher of Hell and chaos.
  "(Y/N), what is wrong?"
How dare he ask her, she thought. She grit her teeth and saw red, she could feel them grind and almost crack against each other.
  "What is wrong, my darling?" She felt like a pot brimming with boiling water, her resentment had snowballed in the short amount of time since Howdy's passing Wally asked her what was wrong?
  Letting out a outraged yell she climbed onto the table, plates thrown aside and silver utensils clattering against the floor. (Y/N)'s fists met Wally's face, they both fell back against his chair with one punch landing after the other, she felt her knuckles become raw. It infuriated her that he laughed with each blow, his face showing no bruising or visible marks as his own head was forced to thrash back and forth. His laugh came straight from his belly and sounded like he was having fun, he was amused by her rage and the edge she was on to attack him.
Every hit was the embodiment of her growing fear, her rage, the uncertainty of her survival had relied on her beating his twisted face in good. His large smile and laughter didn't calm her, it seem fruitless and an insane loop. The rush of her decisions and frustration of no result made her shot back up her feet and stare at him with eyes filled with animosity. Wally wiped the bit of drool that came out from one particular hard punch and looked up at her, he pushed himself to sit up. The look of a lovestruck fool had shaken her, his cheeks were flushed - she bet if his eyes could, his pupils would be heart shaped. She landed a kick to the groin and he hunched over in pain, she needed to act quick and no matter heaven or hell a man's pair will be his weakness.
  She kicked off her heels and ran out of the living quarters of the church, outside those doors she saw the nave. It looked as if ripped from a horror film; the stained pastel glass were now darkened to prevent knowing if it was night or day outside, the pews were thrown to build a barricade against the door and the floor boards had breathed rapidly until it had cracked open its hellish portal. An ominous wind rushed her forward to the edge and she forced herself back regaining her footing, she could her ghoulish howls and screams of the damned rise above, the swirling wind had looked like visions of horrid beasts and devils mocking her.
  "(Y/N)!" A booming voice followed behind her, there stood Wally. His hair disheveled and loss curly strands sticking out, he looks as if he was sweating and running behind her - his eyes giving her a maddened look.
  "You will listen to my words! Hear me and obey your God!" He screamed, his voice distorting as he ripped the very door he came out of, lifting it above his head he threw it into the Hell hole.
  "I have unimaginable power that any other man could never attain of and you run from its wielder?!" His teeth looked sharp, like it could rip through her flesh and fish out her soul. She should've planned ahead, now she'd die just like her friends and she wouldn't be able to warn anyone else.
  "I'm in love with you, can't you see?" As if his being slithered he appeared in front of her, he held her just on the edge of the portal. She stood on her tip toes and clung onto him, looking back at what was below she saw the pit of fire lick at the wooden floor boards and practically begged to take her.
  "I'd burn the world if you asked me too," he shook her so harshly she felt her toes slip and she screamed holding onto him tighter, "All I ask if for your love in return and you constantly run from the one person who could keep you alive!"
  "I should throw you in now..." he said lowly, (Y/N) felt his grip loosen, she didn't want to go like this - she wanted to see the day and hear the birds greet her. The feeling of grass and the laughter of her friends!
  "No! No, Darling no!" She begged, wrapping her legs around on of his as she dug her nails into his arms. If she let go she'd surely fall, she didn't want to die! Not like this - never!
  "I love you! Please don't let go of me, I beg you please! I'll love you till the day I die, I'll love you in every possible lifetime!" She said everything he wanted to hear.
  Instantaneously the church sucked back all the hellish visuals and mended itself, just like the night Frank and the others "disappeared", Wally gave a small laugh and pecked the crown of her head. Running fingers through her hair he held her closer, "Let's go pick a wedding dress."

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