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Title: Ripped Seams

  (Y/N) had believed if you had as big as of a closet as her it should be filled, she had clothes she hadn't worn in YEARS. She loved building onto simple shirts and pants with accessories and jewelry. She had her families hand-me downs and worn them with pride, as a child she wanted new shiny things but now as an adult she sees the value. Of course, her father taught her how the mend her own clothing to keep them nice.
Her favorite dress was one that hugged her waist and drug on the ground, it was long and flowed like silk in as she walked. It came with a matching shawl that was soft fuzz, she felt like a classic Hollywood star - it was her grandmothers after all! She wasn't anyone famous, but loved the finer things. It made her son, (Y/N)s father, want a simpler life and when he met the love of his life he ran away with her.
She remembered how he told stories of him growing up like whispered secrets to (Y/N) late at night when he felt homesick, telling tales about watch her grandmother as he sat on the floor marveling as she did her makeup. Shades of red of rouge and lipstick seemed to glide against her skin, as if she was trained by professionals. He fell in love with blue eyeshadow, it seemed to pop out and at the same time still match everything she wore! It's what started his love for blue, the color of his wife's eyes, her mother.
Shes sure her father made her into a romantic. She even somewhat loathed her father for that reason, she wouldn't be in the predicament.
She ran out of string and needles from her sewing kit, it was a shame too because that very dress that held a special place in her heart was torn. She was planning to wear it to the Spring Festival coming up since it was getting warmer out, and pulling it out of the closet she remembered near the end of summer last year she worn it and it had gotten torn from her prancing around in the bushes by the meadow while being chased in a game of tag. Here was her struggle: Howdy.
He was a nice man, kind and thoughtful to everyone in their small neighborhood. She had thought with so many arms and legs he'd be more clumsy but he was the master of multitasking! When she first came as a stop on her cross country trip, she had never heard of their small town. It's what intrigued her! She was welcomed with open arms and it was almost creepy with how much fun she was having on her first night! She wasn't expecting to fall in love, it's part of the reason she had come back to stay. Howdy had danced with her around the campfire, he brought them s'more supplies from the store. When he wiped some smeared marshmallow on her face his thumb grazed her lips, since it was sticky he applied a smallest bit a pressure with his warm finger. It made her heart skip a beat, her brain tingled and she felt like gelatin.
Now that she stood there, dress in a box and in front of his shop, she felt frozen. Her heart pounded against her chest as she looked up at his sign. Half of her imagined he'd see her and invite her in and she'd waddle in like an oaf!
"(Y/N)?" A preppy voice piped up, she shot her head to her left and there stood Sally. Her big smile seemed to light up more, even during the day (Y/N) felt blinded. Round face looked curious up at her, took a moment to analyze what's in front of her and a light bulb almost appeared right above her shining head.
"I need to get into Howdy's, can you open the door for me, please?" (Y/N)s cheeks heated up as she saw Sally's eyebrows move up and down. It was like she took her arm and twisted it, that how her guts felt too - TWISTED!
"Y-yeah! Sorry, I was just..." She took a moment to think, "Thinkin?"
Sally nodded and walked in first, "No need to tell me! I know what you were thinking of!" She spun around and wiggled her fingers as she wondered off into the aisles, "I know all!"
(Y/N) relaxed her shoulders and shook her head, eyes landing on the front she walked in letting the door shut behind her. Howdy was there, leaning against the counter talking to Poppy about little things. Chit chat that makes his day go by faster, his grin made her feel nervous as she walked up.
As she waited for their conversation to stop and he invited in, the polite thing to do, she began to get lost in her thoughts. Her eyes were stuck on his arms and she felt dizzier from the warmth on her cheeks and neck, Howdy being a shop keeper he's always doing something with his arms - and right now she can really see his muscles. Letting out an audible noise from her finding, both Poppy and Howdy looked at her. She felt so embarrassed, head now hung low she even felt the sting of their concerned eyes.
"I'll see you later, Howdy." Poppy said her farewell and took her chance to leave. Howdy readjusted himself and popped his chest out, (Y/N) could practically feel the drool dropped down her chin as she saw his pecs show themselves through his button up and apron.
"Thanks for seeing me today, I haven't seen you lately! How can I help my dearest friend?" He leaned forward, she slid her box towards him and whispered, "I need this mended - please - thank you." She told him rushed.
One of his hands slid it closer to him and he opened the box's top, his heart yearned for her as he smelt her. Her house, her perfume, just (Y/N).
He smiled softly as another hand caressed the silk material. He remembers the dress fondly, the summer movie marathons, Wally had suggested a game of tag and the both of them got carried away. He chased her around trees and into bushes - that night he caught her and they rolled down a hill. They laughed together like madmen, his side had been sore as he practically howled his laughs! That moonlight had made her look so beautiful, they stayed there on the ground for a minute gazing at until she pushed herself up and excused herself. He vividly remembers her fussing about a rip.
"Your grandmothers dress..." Howdy said absentmindedly.
(Y/N) perked up, "How did you know?"
Howdy gave her a wink, "I remember a lot if I fancy someone." Her eyes went wide, she held a hand close to her chest to try and still the pounding.

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