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Title: Sour Candy
(*my grandpa said this to my grandma the other day)
Jealous Reader X Wally

(Y/N) usually wasn't the jealous type. She understood that Wally had friends outside of her, and previously there might have been other lovers. He was an adult, so was she but she knew she's never love loved anyone like she did with Darling. In the back of her mind she had a nagging voice that she isn't the one, there's a dream girl or guy he let go.
She prided herself on never saying anything stupid out loud, she even bragged about not being jealous before they'd got together.
Recently though, she's even doubting herself. Wally keeps taking rain checks on their hangouts and going to Sally's. She never suspected they'd do anything but she's still a puppet-person - she has feelings and insecurities too!

She chewed on the inside of her cheek, pressing her fingers against her teeth to get a better grip at ripping the flesh inside. She was anxious, she had a dinner planned for Wally and herself but when he came home he said he was stuffed and Sally had made him something quick before he had left. She sat at the dinning table in his home and rocked back and forth trying her best to calm her nerves.
Now he's eating her cooking? Sally would never be a home wrecker! Wally would never be that much of a womanizer!

Tears bursted from her eyes, she looked ahead in silence as the anger grew. She felt like she swallowed a hand full of hard pieces of sour candy, she wasn't even hungry to eat the dinner she'd prepared.
Wally walked into the kitchen to get a drink and stopped when he saw his love crying alone in silence. Rushing to her side he took a knee, holding her hands above her knee and letting out quiet "shhh shhh" noises.
"My love, what has sadden you?" He placed kisses on her knuckles as she held in her sobs, eyes focused on the space in front of her. To him, it was scary when she was like this.
"Nothing.. I just..." Her glossy eyes met his worried ones, "I didn't know I was so easily replaced!" Shocked and guilt hit his spin as he scurried up to his feet and hugged her, "Oh god no! Please, understand I want no one but you!"
She pushed him off, "Go and tell that to Sally!"

He felt like he lagged a bit, arms limp against his sides as the cogs began to turn. "Sally? What on Earth makes you think I'd be unfaithful?!" He was back on his knees, "Do you think so lowly of me?"
She turned on her seat to face away from him, her sleeves coming up to wipe the snot and tears from her own face, "Well, when you ignore our quality time together - what else am I suppose to think?"
Wally huffed and crossed his arms, "That I'm making you a present!"
"Huh?" She sniffled and gave a peak at him, "A present?"
"Our Anniversary?"

It had hit her like a truck, their anniversary was coming up in just a week.
"Yes! I wanted to learn how to make sun catchers like you and who better to ask help from? Sally is literally A STAR!" Wally grabbed her by the side of her shoulders and lifted her up to her feet, he made eye contact. He loved staring at her eyes for hours and it was a way he could let her know physically he cared for whatever she was saying, and how he showed he means every word he says.
"I had no idea..." (Y/N) looked down, her jealous feeling had made her act out! The very thing she bragged about not having a habit or doing.
"My love, I adore your every fiber! The ground you walk on - I worship!" He gave soft kisses along her cheeks, "I absolutely cannot get enough of you. You're the reason I breathe I exist for you!* Please, I'll still give you your present but never think of me as unfaithful to you. I'd let you walk on my very body before getting your shoes wet!"

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