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Title: Watch The Cup, Silly
-HIIIIIIIII!! WOW.. a whole year gone? Hope yall still like Wally, enjoy this short fic appetizer-

  How do you spend the perfect day?

  Lounging in the shade of a tree, a fresh picnic packed and drinks in a cooler with ice melting as the hours tick. Quality time, memories that'll last forever, laughs and smiles shared between lovebirds.

  That's where (Y/N) and Wally found themselves. She had been hauling a woven picnic basket in one hand, her cooler in the other. She could feel the sun beating down on her as she made the trail uphill, Wally had insisted the view of the town would be worth it - he would think other wise if he was in her position. She could hear the water sloshing in the cooler, trying her best to straighten her arm so it wouldn't swing as often and hit her thigh. She's sure to prevent bruising she'd discover in a week, wondering how it even happened.

  She took a break, looking over her shoulder as Wally had two canvases tied to his back, in his arms a bag of tools for their painting needs. He did offer to hold to car keys, they gave a rattle with every step he took. She took a second to appreciate him, his usual updo seemed unmoving as she can already till her own hair was frizzy from the summer winds rolling down the hill. (Y/N) is sure the amount of aquanet Wally used alone would most definitely be a bigger factor on the ozone.

  "Don't tell me you're tired!" Wally teased from behind her, catching up to her pace as he playfully pumped her arm with his elbow, "You told me you'd handle all that."

  True, she didn't want Wally to carry everything, but she also wished the Elvis lookalike would have insisted or fought more to let her carry the lighter things, "I'm good. Won't lie, it's a workout! But, motivates me more to eat and drink as much as we can so they get lighter on the way down." She gave a crooked smile, continuing her hike with Wally as they walked side by side.

  When they reached the top, Atisa was more than relieved to throw her supplies near the base of the large tree. Giving an exaggerated sigh as she dusted her hands, a habit she believed everyone had, as if a physical check mark to finishing her own task! She looked around at the top of the hill, it was secluded, the tall grass surrounding them except for an obvious clearing telling her this was a frequent spot for Wally Darling. She won't lie, she felt her heart flutter at the thought he'd brought her to such a personal spot of his. They had been together for some time, God how does a year fly by? She'd known him for much longer before they made things official, but this budding relationship felt like a dream to her.

  Wally placed his supplies down, his own eyes scanning Atisa before reaching for the cooler. He pulled out a water bottle, droplets running down the glass bottle. He was quick to pop the resealable cork, holding it out for Atisa, "Here, it's hot today, and after that? I need you hydrated, my love." He sung the sweet name, "But! First, take your sips while I show you the view."

  Wally took her hand, their fabric skin seemed to feel like electricity. Be that the science behind their puppet forms, or the love they shared, it still made them fond of eachother.

  The view.

  The view was..

  "Wow." (Y/N) said in dumbfounded amazement as her eyes scanned over the view he spoke so highly of, the entire town looked so small, so far and tiny. She's sure the camera crew would film from up here to capture their neighborhood to immerse the viewers who tuned in, the sun shone bright in the sky. She's sure she was standing next to Sally at this point.

  Wally didn't gaze at the sights, his eyes focused in a half lidded adoring look as he marveled at (Y/N)'s enthusiasm. He could feel his own heart fawn for her, if it was possible, he'd have those little hearts floating above him. No, the entire surroundings would be pink and red swirling around them as if they were the only two in this world.

  "I'm assuming you like it?" He spoke up, bringing (Y/N)'s gaze to him as she gave a soft smile, "Like it? I wish I could live up here and have a cup of coffee in the morning to see the sun rise. Lay in bed to watch the sun dip behind the horizon," Her voice is low, her words just for Wally, "with you."

  "I wanted to share this very special place with someone who is just as special. I adore you," Wally began his usual lovey dovey monologue, "I know I say it often as possible, I feel like if I show you as well.. it's physically visible. My love for you, that is."

  The two shared a moment in comfortable silence, hand in hand, as they felt their love for eachother bubble. You can't forget a feeling like this, you'd remember it for the rest of your life.
  Wally and (Y/N) shared a peck on each others cheeks before they head back to the tree. Setting up their easels, pop out the stools from their collapsed forms, and unpacking their snacks just in reach. Wally scooped up some ice water into cups, placing them in a convenient place for the two as they painted.

  The winds would occasionally run through the tree above them, birds sung their symphonies, and occasionally the two would hear a distant woodpecker or two. They'd talk, more like yap, about stories from their childhood, their families, and sometimes they'd ramble stories they've already told but no one would object to hear it again. (Y/N) will always be fond by the way Wally spoke, and it was a mutual feeling.

  (Y/N) excused herself, trotting to the cooler as she poured them a drink for the both of them, returning back with refreshments. Talking makes a person parched, and with a drink or two with tart lemonade - they'd ramble for hours.
  Though, halfway through their paintings she'd hear a gag and a sputter from Wally. Her head snapped in alarm, had he choked? Did she make the lemonade too tart or too sweet?

  In his hand, was his water for cleaning his brush. He'd started painting the sky, the yellow paint from his brush dying the water the same color. A similar color to the lemonade.

  It took a moment, Wally making noises of protest of "oh yuck", "eugh", and.. it was funny. Funny as Hell. All artist have experienced this once in their life, and (Y/N) doubts it's his first time. She bursts out laughing, her hand coming up to rub his back as he spat into the grass away from (Y/N).
  "You silly, silly man." She coos, her laughs dying down as he chugged at his lemonade in the correct cup.

  She's most definitely never forgetting this, and will tell the story for years between them and their friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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