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Title: Gone Awry
Tw: violence

  (Y/N) lungs burned as she pressed her back into the wall behind her, the cramp closet space she hid in didn't help her anxiety - it felt like if she breathed out her nose it'd be too loud and he'd find her. She was scared, the entire house was dark and empty, sometimes the floor would bulge out and trip her as she ran. She's felt a hot pipe or too try to take her shins out, she couldn't see where she was going and kept a single hand on the wall until she found a small knob.
  She was trapped in Wally's house, he sent her a post that Eddie had dropped off - he asked her to come over it was urgent. It should've moved her the wrong way, if it was urgent why hand the called or came to her. She found herself running to his house, she was so worried. Home had opened the door for her and slammed it when she entered, the lock clicking made her skin goosebump.
  Maybe Wally was sick? How could she know...
  Wally himself made his way downstairs, it was dark in him home and his furniture was gone. It looked to be solid cement around them and made the room feel colder than it was. Wally was slow, his arms limp at his sides, every footstep made her stomach sink.
  He looked up with wide eyes, she couldn't see any emotion or decipher a reason he looked so scary. She'd never seen him like this, she'd never seen home like this either. Upon further inspection she saw as he came down there was a black ooze following him, it came from upstairs and was traveling down where the walls met the ceiling.
  "Wally?" She whispered, she felt if she spoke too loud something making that ooze would jump the both of them. He was only in arms reach when he had stopped in front of her, never breaking eye contact.
  "We need to get out," his hands hugged her shoulders almost painfully, she let out a yelp as he applied more pressure, "I'm trying, I'm trying to hard to make you all see - to make them all see!" This was sudden, he looked hysteric look at her eyes - his eyes almost single pricks.
  "We're trapped, and if we can't get out I only know one way I can get you out." She heard a crack that was followed by a sharp pain and she pushed Wally away, her right hand shot up to hold her left shoulder. It felt hot as if it was bleeding, she could barely move it at all - tears rushed down her cheeks as she fell to the floor. She's never felt anything like this, maybe a scrap knee or a broken arm when she was younger but this felt like her muscle was ripped from the inside and the bone was crushed.
  "(Y/N), please don't scream it'll be so quick, my dear." His torso had bent over to reach for her, the hand she once held tightly was now dangerous - she knew if she took his hand she'd never see the light of day. Something built up inside her, "Fucking psycho what are you even -" with one heavy handed punch with her right fist she landed it on Wally's plush cheek, "saying?!" As he fumbled back she got up, backing away as she saw his limp limbs almost twitch to get him realigned. It looked like he was being controlled, the scariest part is (Y/N) couldn't imagine by what. Wally would never hurt her, never his his life.
  Images of him smiling, stealing apples at Howdy's shop, painting next to his favorite tree, oh god especially when he laughed - she was in tears, processing that he in fact as hurt her and is alluding to doing more harm.
  She couldn't waste time, she had to find any exit at all means. She ran towards the dark abyss behind her, his house was built similar to everyone's so if she found the back door she'd be able to call for help or run. She needed to get to Barnaby, he was the biggest protector in her life and right now she needed to feel safe.
  These events had brought her here, in a closet hiding. She knew the house was working against her, and if he communicates to Wally where she is she's doom. She just needs to rest, the adrenaline had lessen and she felt tired. She felt dizzy. From the panels of the closet she sees the lights were turned on, Wally's shoes clicking on the hard floor as his shadow stopped in front of her hiding spot. When the door opened, her eyes felt like it was being flashed, it burned. All she could think of that moment is all her friends, she wanted to be in Wally's arms and cry about a horrible nightmare. She wanted to have Barnaby juggle her Knick knacks from her den and tease her for having glass dog figures. Driving with Julie and Frank screaming at the top of their lung, having tea with Poppy, singing and stargazing with Sally, following Eddie down the road on his daily route and talking! All the things she's done with Wally, the special occasions, birthdays, quiet hours of the night listening to her music.
  She shut her eyes tight, she was done for.
  "(Y/N)?" She opened one eyes and there he was, as normal as ever. He sat on his knees and gazed at her softly, his eyes didn't look scary at all - his usual painted hooded eyes looked worried.
  "What are you doing here?" He reached out to be met with a smack, "Don't get any damn closer!" Wally let out a small gasp, shocked she said damn, shocked she smacked him away. He saw her holding her shoulder in the bottom of his closet and he was worried. Deep down he knew he might've went too far,
  He was lost for hours thinking by himself and talking with Home, he had to find a way to get someone from the outside to notice them - that they're trapped and sentient. If he explained it to anyone else, it was like he was trying to contact God. He knew there was none but him, yet he was trapped. He came up with a plan B if no one else would intervene, he had to show them he was in control- he didn't want to harm (Y/N). She was from a peace and love nomad family, she spread love in dark places and amplified what already was. She couldn't see him act out his plans on the rest of the neighbors, she'd cry to him about how someone would go missing and he'd have to break her heart sooner or later when it'd be just the two of them.
  "(Y/N), please I don't understand," he had to play it cool. He jumped the plan and thought she'd have to go first, he couldn't bring himself to do it.
  "You! You- you hurt me!" Her left hand pointed an accusing finger in his face, her quirked up and eyebrow as she looked at her hand in shock. Moving her shoulder she didn't feel any pain, pressing against her ankles and shins she didn't feel any upcoming bruising. She magically healed, she shot her eyes back up to Wally. Searching his eyes, find anything.
  Was she imagining things? No way that was too real. If it wasn't, how'd she end up here.
  "My dear, you came to me talking about something urgent. You said you hadn't slept in days and was scared, when I hugged you - you had screamed and ran straight into my closet." He moved a stray hair behind her ears, he felt guilty for doing this - basically gaslighting her because he couldn't go through with killing her.
"Home tried to catch you when you fell but I guess that scared you more, please come out of there dear and tell me what's bothering you."
  Offering his hand, she took it. Her legs shook as she stood up and followed him, his free hand supporting her by the lower back and ushering her to the living room.
  "I... I don't know." She whispered to Wally, looking back she saw the closet become smaller and disappear.
  This confirmed her suspicion, but now in Wally's arms she couldn't say anything.
  "It's better if you forget it." Wally's monotone voice rang, "What?" (Y/N) stopped in her tracks, her own eyes looking at him from the side, she could only see the bottom of his chin. She was too scared at the moment to look up and have the chance to see that creepy face.
  "I said, it's better if you forget it. Whatever is troubling you." His hand traveled up to her head and he pushed it against his chest, she couldn't hear his heart and a tingle went up her spine, "I'm here for you, forever and always, you can always rely on me."
  His voice deepened, almost so low she didn't recognize his own voice, "I'd never hurt you, I'll always protect you - I'll make you see."
  Wally knew that part was true, but the responsibility he had now tripled to him. He had something precious he needed to protect, other than his friends he needed her. He couldn't lose her, if he could find a way to get them all out a it's been nearly 5 decades they had been all stuck. He's come closer since the restoration is taking place but it wasn't fast enough.
  Having her close to his chest he felt relief she wasn't gone by his hands, he'd vowed he try to get everyone out. He had to make them all see, so they can work together.
  That's it, so they can all leave this hellhole. He didn't want to live obviously to what was going one, but he desired to live peacefully with (Y/N) and never scare her again.

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