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Title: Mushy Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, a saying Wally blurts out at the worse times. Once, Eddie had been bitten by a dog on one of his deliveries and came back mauled - Wally's absentmindedly had reassured his friend if he had eaten apples more often he wouldn't have been in this predicament. It had no relevance and had Frank concerned about the brain cells that had probably laid dormant in Wally's head, Frank had even asked if Julie could pop him good for that.
It was one of the most prominent personality quirks said puppet had, he was obsessed with apples. (Y/N) had always seen him with one in his hand or he'd tell her about his diet that mostly consisted of apples. When she gossiped with Eddie if he had seen him eat anything, anything at all! Even when they had their outings or she'd make Wally dinner she doesn't recall him picking up any amount of food and eating it but he'd always finish it. She even tried to test him and asked what he tasted, she figured he hated her cooking and would toss it into her plants. Poppy had vouched for him after they had a dinner party, after he went home (Y/N) up rooted one of her plants closer to his seat the - larger bird knew something was up and she'd rather stay out of it!
Though, knowing he couldn't resist apples she had her best plan. She'd make everything apples! Apple sauce, apple pie, apple tea, she even made a roast with apple slices and a cake with apple glaze! She was determined to make his mouth water and see the puppet devour every bite!
She felt proud, she even felt as though her determination had turned to devotion in the smallest way. Making him all this food, and he'd eat it all up - it made her gush and sway in her kitchen as she waited for the roasts timer to ding.
Her backdoor had opened with Wally loudly announcing himself, "I'm coming in~!" He borderline sang, (Y/N) acknowledged him with a quick gasp, shooing him out the kitchen and into her dining room, "Out out out! You can see it yet!" He looked back at her and hunched to meet her eyes, "I already smeeeell it." He patted his stomach and gave her a chuckle,
"I'm starving! When will it be ready."
She rolled her eyes, her timer went off and she jumped quickly found her oven and took the roast out. She heard of pineapple or onions on a roast but never apples, she felt the back of her throat tightened as she feared it'd taste horrendous. As if time slowed down, she brought it out to the dining table for the centerpiece of the entree. It wasn't their first time spending dinner alone, and between best friend it won't be the last! To her, the stakes were high. She would either get a chance to see him eat, or see him spit it out and both would make her feel waves of mixed emotions.
Wally's eyes were wide, a bit of drool had left the corner of his mouth as he laid his napkin on his lap. His eyes wondered over the apple delicacies, he felt so honored she'd spend an entire day to make those much of a wide range of food. He felt spoiled, more spoiled than ever by just his friend. I guess that's a part of why he has a crush on (Y/N), she went above and beyond for her friends and he's so glad he's one of them. If she was capable of doing all this out of love, he was kinda scared of what she'd do out of hate.
(Y/N) took her serving utensils and asked what he'd like to be served from the table, underneath the table cloth he was kicking his feet like a child. He felt giddy he was being served, but all this she must be planning something.
He blinked his eyes rapidly in realization, his face turned from yellow to a bright orange, what if tonight they became more than friends? He locked his feet together and slapped his cheeks with both hands - he scared (Y/N) with the sudden smack as she placed his plate in front of him.
She stared at him from across the way, he's usually the one who stared and being on the other side of it made his skin crawl. She continued to cut her meat and veggies and eat, but never blinked. He began to sweat, a spotlight was on him. The smell of the plate before him made his stomach rumble, his mind raced to find a way to trick her, to get her distracted enough for him to at least get a quick bite of everything.
  "Wally, darling, your food will get cold." (Y/N) pushed her empty plate away, tapping her mouth with her own napkin.
  His eyes darted, anywhere anywhere. If it was Home he'd be able to do something. He was getting desperate and was actually hungry, he wanted to savor every flavor that awaits him.
  Aha! Light bulb.
  (Y/N) watched Wally pick up his spoon and scoop up some food from his plate, it was going to happen and she was on the edge of her seat! He brought it up close, and in one motion he flung the spoonful of mixed apples into her face.
  "Ah! Wally!" She squealed at the sudden darkness. He heard him crunch away and him while munching on his food. Her hands tried to find her napkin again and by the time she wiped the offending food she saw Wally across from her with an empty plate - an empty table -  and him unbuttoning his pants while letting out a stuffed sigh, a satisfied look on his face. He felt like he could take a really good nap right about now!
  Letting out a groan she hit her head against the table, he had won - as always.

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