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Today was a hectic day, I went to a lot of placing searching for jobs and finally got a place to work. Now I have to  walk back to my house. Ugh I said in my head and continued walking.

As I was about to reach my house I saw a girl sitting in her yard and playing with her dog. My ass really need a friend right now. So I decided to go talk with her. "Well she does look like my age so it'll be okay right?" 'Shit I can't just go there with nothing in my hand.' I thought and started searching my bag to find something. "yes!" I found a box of cookies which I bought from the cafe earlier. 'Keep it together Kim Jisoo, she's not gonna eat you." I told to myself and walked to her

"Hey, I'm your new neighbor Kim Jisoo. I came to give you this cookies" I said and give her the cookie box which she took over with a sweet smile. "Hi, myself Jennie" She said and raised her hand for a handshake which I accepted quickly. "Nice to meet you Jisoo, actually I also just moved here 3 days back, so I'm also new here" Jennie said. "I don't have any friends here. I would really appreciate if you wanna be my friend" I asked with full of excitement and she responded with a hug. "Omg yes! I would love to be your friend" She Claimed.


I talked a lot with Jennie and found out that she's my age too, so it's perfect. I was walking back to my home, it's just 5 block away now. As I was walking I got a notification on my phone. I checked it to see what's it.

'Chairman of Kim motors Passed away at the age of 63'

As soon as I read the news I got goosebumps. I was feeling some kind of weird happiness. A daughter shouldn't be feeling happy when she hears the news of her father's death, but after everything he has done to me I don't feel any sentiments towards him nor my mom. He deserves to die and He should have died a painful death. He killed and betrayed many people around him. I'm ashamed to call him my father. He don't deserve the title of a Father. With a lot of thoughts in my mind, I finally reached my house. I took out the key from my bag and opened the front door. I went inside and took a long shower.

I came out of shower and it was still bright outside so I decided to make some orange cake to celebrate this news. I know I'm a terrible daughter who is celebrating her dad's death. But he was a terrible father too, so it's a mutual agreement.

I went to my backyard to pluck some orange from the garden.

 I love everything about this house

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I love everything about this house. It's a small simple house but with a large landscape and a small garden. The owner of this house was trying to sell this house for a long time because they were going to Australia. So when I asked the owner of this house if they could give me a discount they easily agreed. Maybe because I'm so freakin gorgeous and cute they agreed to it fast. But yeah thanks to them, Now I have a place for my own. I don't have to pay any rent, or be afraid of getting beaten up by my parents.

I was preparing the cake batter when suddenly I heard my door bell righ. Well not gonna lie, I was so scared. A lot of thought went into my mind. "What if someone find out that Kim minseok has a daughter!? Am I screwed??" I asked myself. I slowly went and opened the door and luckily I saw Jennie standing there with a bowl of strawberries. I welcomed her

"Hey chu" she said and placed the strawberries on the table. "Hi Nini, thankyouu for bringing me these strawberries. I love them" I said and gulped them in my mouth. It was already washed so it's fine. "Wow, what's this smell? It smells like orange" She said and looked around. "Oh yeah, I'm baking a Orange cake. I love them. If you stay here a little longer, we both can have it." I said and went to my refrigerator to get some lime juice. I poured it to a cup and gave her.

Finally we're done with our batter. I poured the batter to a cake pan and placed it on the pre-heated oven. When the cake was in the oven we both came and sat in my sofa.

"So what are your parents doing" Jennie asked me all of a sudden. That question took me aback for a while. "They-umm, my mom is a house wife and..my father he's a business man and he actually died today." I said with a small smile. "I am so sorry, I shouldn't have asked you that" She said with guilt. "Please don't be sorry nini, even I'm not sorry for myself or him." I said and Jennie looked at me in confusion. "You know The Chairman of Kim Motor? Kim minseok?" I asked her which she replied with a "no"
"Well he is my father..he used to abuse me when I was a child and a adult. That's why I eloped from my house. He used to beat me up for any single mistakes and my mom enjoyed watching me get abused." I said looking down. I explained her my situation about how I ended up here and why I'm here.

After hearing what I said this whole time She gave me a warm hug. This was the first warm and sincere hug which I got in a long time. Last time someone has gave me a sincere hug was from my Grandmother when she bought me food to eat. I couldn't help but let out a cry. She stayed beside me like my own sister.

"Don't cry chu, everything will become fine. Let's start a new page in your life. Let's enjoy." She said and I nodded. "Get up sooyaa, let's go look how the cake turned out" She said and wiped away my tears.

We ate the cake and after that Jennie went to her home. It was already dark outside. I was watching TV when I heard a car pullover to my house. I was soo fucking scared JENNIE DOSEN'R OWN A CAR! I opened my door and saw a Tall man in black suit facing his back to me.



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