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"I wonder why there's no sound downstairs" I thought as there will be always something happening either both my parents fighting or some political fight between my dad and the other business man's. But today it was all silent. I only leave out of my room when both my parents are out, and it's been around 30 minutes since I saw her leave from the house through my windows and my father always go to office early morning. So I assumed both were out.

I opened the door of my room and peaked to see whether there's anyone. As I didn't saw any moment of anyone, I slowly went downstairs. Looks like I'm the only one here at the house. I went to kitchen and looked through the cabinets to find something to eat. "Yes" I happily took a can of Pringles. It's really rare to find these kind of snacks in this house so I was more than happy.

I went back inside my room and started eating and after a while I finished the whole box mostly because they didn't gave me anything to eat before.

Few minutes passed and I was lying down in my bed when I heard my room's door opening revealing my cousin Lee Taeyong. He obviously knew my existence because duhh, he's the son of my mom's sister. He sometimes visits me knowing that most of the time I'm alone but I didn't took that in a negative way even though I found it weird.

"How are you babe?" He always calls me babe and I don't mind it at all, well I have heard my parents talking about getting me married to him when I get older but I find it soo fucking weird because this dude is my cousin. We are more like best friends and he is like a brother to me even tho he doesn't see me as his sister because he DO wanna get married to me for gods sake.

"Not bad but not good" I pointed towards a chair beside my bed so that he could sit but he came straight to my bed and sat beside me. I was already getting kind of uncomfortable. It's not his first time him doing this. Whenever he comes to my house he looks at me soo wiredly and be touchy towards me. but I decided to leave it.

we were talking about many stuff and was laughing but in between of these laughter I could feel him touching me which made me feel so freakin uncomfortable.

After a while he decided to go home so I came down to drop him off at the front door.

We said bye to each other and he left.

I was about to close the front door when I saw my dad's car pulling in to the garage.

I stood there waiting for him to come inside so I could close the door and go back to my room .

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