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The whole car ride was silent. Both of us didn't spoke a single word. Even though it only took four or five minutes to reach my house it still felt like an entire hour.

We both reached my house. I got out from the car and before closing the car door I turned "Thanks for today" I told facing down. "If you don't mind I can make you a cup of coffee" I asked him which he simply replied with a "not in the mood" and drove away. "Rude" I mumbled.

I entered the house and sat in the sofa for a while recollecting whatever the shit happened few moments ago. "What will i do if he comes to my house?" that man is scary. He will do anything to get what he wants. After a long while of unpleasant thoughts I finally got up and took a bath.

I came down rubbing my hair with a pink towel to dry out my hair. I went towards and refrigerator and took out a box of handmade kimchi which I bought earlier from the shop.
I opened my rice cooker and the pleasant steam of the cooked rice hit my face making me even more hungry. I decided to make some kimchi fried rice because why not? Im going to make a little bit more so that i can make it my lunch tomorrow.

I took out a pan and started the fire. I added some vegetable old and added the kimchi and stir fried it for almost 1 minutes. After that I added the rice, kimchi juice and some water. Again I stirred it for almost 10 minutes after that I added some sesame oil in and removed from the heat.

I plated it with a fried egg on top and was about to eat when suddenly the door opened revealing the one and only Taehyung. "God when will I ever get to eat in peace" I cried inside.
He walked towards me with no expression. He stood right infront of me making me what to look up because this man is soo tall.

He sat in the dining table and rested his one leg on the other. "What's your relationship with that guy?" He asked out of a blue which made me shiver. His voice was deep. His gaze was cold. That was enough for me to get scared.

"W-which guy?" I asked him which he just replied with a cold glare at me.

"Oh-ohh him, h-he is my cousin" I replied looking down. He looked at me with confusion. "Then why were you so scared when you saw him?" He questioned me which made me wonder why he's asking all this. What should I even answer him about this? His gaze was still running against me. I stood there facing down not answering his questions. He slammed his hands on the table which made me flinch and almost gave me a heart attack "Stop testing my fucking patients" he shouted looking at me with cold eyes.

"If he were just your cousin, then why were you so scared of him? Why were your shaking when you saw him? Did he hurt you?" His questions entered my brain one by one and I looked at him with gloomy eyes.

"Yes" I answered "He didn't physically hurt me but he did mentally. When I was young he used to touch me weirdly which made me uncomfortable. When I said this to my mom she didn't believe me and said he's just being friendly but no! He treats me like a sex toy"
these words barely came out of my mouth. I was keeping all these up to myself my entire life but now it's time for everything to get out from me which was suffocating me to death. He didn't utter a single word. He was just listening to whatever I was saying but for some reason I could see pure Anger in his eyes. I don't know what was that for. Why would he care for me right.

"My mom didn't care about my words when I said this matter to her. She used to blame me saying "why would you think like that. You are a kid" but no. I was not a kid. When someone touches me I had the maturity to understand their intentions. But no one cared" this time I was not able to control my emotions. I bursted out with tears. I felt kind of burden free after telling out everything which I have kept inside me for years. My tears are uncontrollably flowing.

Suddenly I felt a warm hug against me. But I didn't care. This hug made me even safer and some kind of weird feeling hit me up. I was comfortable with this hug. Whenever a men even made a single handshake with me I used to get panic attacks but now a man is hugging me and I'm feeling safe. I don't know what's happening with me.


I woke up in my bed with a blanket around me covering me from the cold air. I didn't realise I fell asleep yesterday. "Did he bring me here?" I questioned myself. After all the crying last night I kind of have a headache But I do feel kind of free, Maybe because there's no more burden against myself. Keeping something for yourself is such a heavy feeling. It's almost like you're experiencing hell. A big pile or emotions which was suffocating me left me yesterday. I feeling way greater because now someone know what I was going through. Even though I don't think he cares about me he still listened and calmed me down. That's was enough for me.

I got up from my bed a took a fresh bath while hoping nothing bad will happen today. I came downstairs and my dinner sitting there alone. Yes I didn't eat it.

I took the bowl and dumped the rice into the waste bag. Then I took out the leftover rice from and refrigerator, heat it up and packed for my lunch. I'm bringing a bit more so that's I can give it to Lisa too.

I closed the front door and was about to walk when suddenly I saw Taehyung in front of the gate leaning back towards his car. It looks like he was waiting for me. "Ohh god what's he doing here now" I let out a big sigh



-Today the moon met the star 🕊️



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