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Kookie rushed to the central court even without having his lunch. He was very nervous in the cab because of the traffic and he couldn't have his lunch. He was really late and running in corridors of the court mindlessly searching for Tae in the coridor.

Mirae found Kookie and called him. Kookie was happy to find a familiar face and that to his mom, he didn't expect his mom to come and support him as she is totally against this idea of divorce back then. Kookie stood speechless in front of his mom..

" Eomma!!! I'm sorry.. I have to.... "

" It's ok baby.... It's already late... I think judge has already came... Did you at least had your lunch?!! Ahhhh!!! Seriously???!! You didn't open this box yet??! " Miraw sighed seeing at the packed box in his hands..

" Eomma??!! Thank you for coming... I thought you are angry with me... "

" I was!!! But... not anymore... I'm going to support you no matter what... For both of you and Tae's.... For your well being... Whats in marriage and divorce???! I want you both happy that's it.... Let's have out talk later... Get inside.. " Mirae rushed Kookie removing his blazer since he is panting like a dog and sweating...

" Love you eomma!! Thank you... Will you be still waiting for me??! "

" I will wait... Let's get a house together here after all the drama ends... I don't want to stay away from you anymore... "

" Eomma...!!! "

" Yaaaa!!! Get inside... They will be waiting for you... You're late already... "


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2.08 pm, Family court room..

It was more like a conference hall than courtroom setup.. Judge Jhope came and looking at the divorce application files Tae's lawyer submitted carefully, he noticed the absence of Jungkook, but he decided to wait for another ten minutes for him .

Jhope already felt bad for him as Kookie's side have empty chairs where as Tae's side have famous lawyer, and Tae's rich parents by his side, no one was there in the side of Kookie even for moral support. Jhope presumed that Kookie is the poor victim of this divorce trail.

Tae's lawyer is appointed by Won. She instructed him to be ruthless towards Kookie in this divorce trail. He is waiting for Kookie to come for stacking all his side arguments, treat him bad and  kill his confidence so that Kookie will never gain strength to fight against them again.

Kookie came running in to the room panicked, every eyes were on the clumsy  boy Kookie who came running panting and sweating like he ran in the horse race instead of horse. His panting struggled breath echoed in the quiet room which made everyone in the room feel bad for poor boy.

" Jeon Jungkook??!! " Jhope asked and Kookie nodded in affirmation.

" You are late!!! Where is your lawyer??! "

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