Baby obsession

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In Kim's mansion...

Won came to Kim's mansion fuming in anger after she saw Kookie and Tae near the hospital. She was happy because she thought Tae is done with Kookie and proceeded with the divorce trial, but seeing them happily holding hands and comforting each other shattered all her dreams with Tae.

Won , who is fuming inside came to ask Jin about Tae and his divorce, but Jin didn't answer her properly. Jin lied that Tae still wants to get divorce, he don't want Won's evil eyes on his kids, so he lied. But knowing Jin and Mirae lying to her , Won lost her cool and went to her father yelling and screaming.

Won's father a powerful yet humble old man encouraged Won until he found out Tae is married. Now after knowing that Tae is still in love with his wife, he asked Won to forget Tae. When Won argued with him stubbornly, the old man said he cannot support her idiocy, so Eon decided to act on her own to eliminate Kookie and win his place.

Won decided to play good girl and be friendly with Kookie to do coop behind Kookie's back. Won planned to destroy Kookie's reputation in the office and use the situation to get close with Kookie . But she doesn't know Kookie is not a cute little innocent boy as Mirae described him.
Kookie's doctor appointment..

Next day after their cock fight, Tae and Kookie visited the doctor to know the test results. Kookie is still nervous about the visit, but Tae is nothing but a big support to him in that situation. Kookie's hands were all sweaty when his turn came to meet the doctor...

" Hyung??! " Kookie sulked to enter the room...

" Shhh!!! Kookie... You acting all cocky yesterday and now sweating like a trembling chick... Come on !! Where is your confidence... ?!" Tae pulled him

" Left it at home... " Kookie said with trembling voice and pouting face... Tae couldn't help but laugh at this Kookie, he is all lioness mode when they are alone at home and trembling doe when he is nervous in a public space amoung people.

" Don't laugh.... You should be the one to worry more than me.... Whatever doctor says.. Don't cry in front of her... I will abduct IU 's kid if things goes out of or hand... Ok hyung??!!" Kookie started comforting Tae anxiously..

" Perfect!!! You act like drunk high schooler when you are nervous.... !! " Tae said holding Kookie's hands in his hand..

" Mr and Mrs Kim..????!! Your turn!!" Nurse asked them to get inside..

" Yes mam!! " Tae said...

After the brief introduction , doctor looked at all the reports of Kookie again. She already went through the reports and was puzzled, so she started to question the couple..

" So.... You are planning for child? Am I right??! " Doctor asked..

" Yes!! " Kookie said but Tae shook his head...

" No!! We are not planning.... But we will be happy if we are blessed with a child... No pressure..!! Just we want to know if Kookie is all healthy... That's it..." Tae said a contradictory answer and Kookie glared at him..

" No! I want baby!! " Kookie said stubbornly...

" Ohhh!! I Understand.... !!! Good!! You are married for three years and one mis carriage right??! "

" Yes doctor!! "

" According to your reports there isn't any major issues in your health... Your mild symptoms related to stress and hormonal imbalance.... I should check the husband's side to see why you finding it difficult to conceive a baby... "

" No!!! Hyung is perfectly alright.... " Kookie jumped from his seat to support Tae..

" How can you say that???! " Doctor sighed

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