You!! My happiness!

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" Hyung!!! I want to be happy too... " Kookie cried... Taehyung suddenly pulled
Kookie in for kiss.. Kookie widened his eyes at first and slowly he lost himself in the kiss. After a minute long kiss..

" Be it a month or all your life... As long as you are with me.... I'll do everything to keep you happy baby... !!" Tae said intensely looking at Kookie..

" Mhhh... It's ok hyung!! You deserve happy life with a big family... Like a beautiful Wife and five cute kids. " Kookie said and stepped back, but Tae pulled Kookie by holding his tie.. Kookie stumbled and fell on Rae holding his chest.

" Yes!!! I deserve a happy life with one who I love... The one who I always want....I'm greedy that way..  " Tae said placing a hungry kiss on Kookie's chin mole all the while unbuttoning Kookie's shirt, Tae slowly started nibbling Kookie's chin and jaws.. Kookie felt some awkward with Tae's touch.. It was a lusty touch , not his usual loving one.

" Hyung!! Don't... Why are you doing this... You said you don't want me... " Kookie tried to push Tae away

" But we can be friends with benefits... After all.... we gonna stay for a month together... Let's utilize this... " Tae said and nibbled Kookie's ear sensually..

"After this month??! " Kookie asked..

" Yeah !! we can continue whenever we get horny... !! After all... You work in my office...Good thing you can't conceive a child... We don't have to use protection... " Tae casually  said which hurt Kookie a lot. It felt really bad even to think about  Tae just touch him just for pleasure .

" Hyung... Get off of me... " Kookie pushed Tae back with great force..

" What happened love..??!! "

" Don't call me that if you don't mean it... I'm not your pleasure doll"

" This entire thing is your idea... Does it hurt to hear it from me??!  Strange!! " Tae sighed pinching hos nose bridge.

" Yes!!! It does.... Don't you dare come near me with these thoughts in your mind hyung.. I changed my mind... I can't  think  about this friend with benifit shit again...It's not fun... " Kookie yelled and tried to leave the room.

" Then what should we do if we get horny?! "

" Go fcuk the wall... " Kookie said and he grabbed a pillow and left the room leaving Tae alone, Tae had a smile in his lips with an unknown satisfaction.

Kookie is slowly turning like how Tae used to be, when Tae pretend to behave like how Kookie used to be. Tae gave Kookie the taste of his own medicine and now Kookie can taste the bitterness himself.

Now, Kookie is longing for Tae's affectionate talk and loving touch rather than flirty talk and lusty touch, but unlike Tae he couldn't voice it out because Kookie knew he brought this misery himself. After sometime Tae came to living room to see Kookie on couch.

" Get inside!! I will not touch you, not a pervert to force you..... You don't have to sleep in couch... " Taehyung sternly said with angry attitude. Kookie felt sorry, he didn't took Tae for a pervert, he just want his old Tae back.

" Hyung!! I'm sorry.... "

" You don't have to be sorry... After have every right to reject my touch, since your are not my wife anymore... "

" We are not divorced.. Not yet!! You can force  me... But just understand this feels odd...   Your talk.... Behavior everything... At times I feel like you are pretending to hate me.... But I'm sure you really want me to regret everything.... You succeeded!! Stop punishing me.. Don't keep on remind me that.... " Kookie's words are cut off by Tae...

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