40 - Chapter Forty- Theo's Point Of View.

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 When Luca came back with the groceries, Ares watched him take the groceries to the kitchen, not taking his little eyes off Luca. He stood up on my thighs and held onto hands so he didn't fall.

"Doing?" he asked.

"Luka is putting away the groceries so Demitri can make dinner."

"Ok. Down." He plopped back down on my legs and let go of my hands, and got off the couch, heading to the kitchen. Demitri got off the couch faster than I did and followed him there. When Luca came out, a few moments later, the key fob was in his hand to lock the SUV. Ares followed him out. Stopping behind him when he did. He got closer to Luca and touched his hand that was at his side.

"Doing?" He asked again.

Luca looked down and spoke. "Locking the car. Did you want to try?"

"Mmm." He said excitedly and Luca knelt down, a pained look on his features, worrying me, but he shot me a look. He showed Ares the button and lifted him up, and Ares pushed it several times.

"Ok, ok. That's enough." Luca laughed.

Demitri seemed to agree too, because he took the key away from them both and hung it on the wall hook.

"Alright, I'm going to start dinner." Demitri said, retreating to the kitchen. Ares looked at him and watched him leave before turning his attention back to Luca.

"See dinos?" Ares said, looking up at him and pointing at his toys on the floor now.

Luca looked a little confused. He looked at me and back at Ares.

"He wants to show you his dino toys." I whispered.

"Oh! I definitely want to see your dino toys."

Corinna picked that moment to wake up and start screaming loudly. Ares covered his ears as I fetched her out of the swing. She had been sleeping for well over an hour and no doubt wanted a bottle. Grabbing a soother, I popped it into her mouth, and laid her against my shoulder, rubbing her small little back.

"Luca, keep your eyes on the little man. I have to deal with Corinna."

"Got it."

"Ok." Ares said, his ears uncovered. Heading to the nursery, I set her on the change table and set to changing her diaper and into a onesie for bedtime. She wailed again as I tucked her feet into the onesie and zipped it up. I was pretty amused that Demitri hadn't come to take her. He wasn't able to let her cry even just a little. If she cried, he was there. Picking her up, I rocked her back and forth in my arms, gently heading back to the kitchen.

"Here, bottle." Demitri said, holding a bottle out for me after checking it.

"You're a saint."

"I knew she was going to need one soon. I put it on as soon as she let out that first cry."

"I told you, you're a saint."

Popping the bottle into her mouth, she latched on and drank immediately. Walking around with her, I made it back to the living room and Ares was lying on Luca. Who was currently stretched all the way out on the one couch.

"What are you doing?"

"Toons." Ares said, pointing to the tv.

"Oh, really?"

"Mmm." He said, his head laying on Luca's chest. Luca looked a little uncomfortable, but he didn't move Ares. Not even when Ares fell asleep a little while later.

"I can move him."

"Don't worry, he's not bothering me. Alessio's little brother was like this, too. I don't mind."

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