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3 months ago

To say I'm nervous about my first appearance on Jimmy Fallon is an understatement, because not only will I be grilled with the usual questions, I'm also performing too - so no pressure.

On the show with me are big names, making me still look and feel a little insignificant in comparison. Actors and actresses, it's usually these kind of guests that bring in the viewing figures. Part of me is shitting myself about going into the green room, but I don't want to seem stuck up for wanting to hide away in my dressing room until show time.

I'm still getting used to the attention over here. Being mainly based in the UK, I've found things like this less daunting, although my anxiety will still hit the roof before any appearance there. You wouldn't think it though if you saw me on stage - before? I'm a bit of a wreck. It's almost laughable that I chose this as a career path.

One of the backstage crew shows me into the green room, and I note only one of the guests is in there already, sitting talking to someone who's obviously part of their team or entourage, however I can feel them look up as I walk in and go to grab the glass of prosecco that's on offer.

I need a good drink.

Downing it in one, I reach for a bottle of water so as I'm not completely smashed for my performance, now feeling someone next to me. "You must be Essie?"

I turn and now see the person in question who was sat there when I walked in, and have to double take.

Shit. He's pretty hot - I have to admit that.

"And you must be Chris?" I ask, scrunching up my nose in mock thought, not even daring to admit that I know who this man is.

How the hell does he know my name though? That alone is a shock.

He nods as we shake hands, the electricity immediatly sparking and sending a shockwave through me. "I heard you sound checking earlier when I arrived. You've got a pretty unique voice, heard a few songs". He now eyes me from over the top of the bottle he's now opened and drinking from.

"I suppose people can tell it's me if I'm ever on the radio" I joke rather pathetically.

You're a twat Essie, don't embarrass yourself now, you're gonna have to sit alongside this guy for your interview. Just be yourself.

A terrible piece of advice from the depths of my own mind there. This man is Chris Evans that's standing in front of me. Being my stupid ass self isn't the best option right now, but it's the only option.

"How'd you know my music?" I now ask, really wanting to know whether he actually has listened to my stuff - as embarassed as I already feel about it.

Chris doesn't have time to reply as now someone else comes into the room, announcing his arrival to him as they hug. "Essie, this is Scott my brother. Scott this is-"

"Oh my god". The younger Evans brother quickly passes over his sibling to come and say hello. "Hi! I'm Scott". Now shaking my hand rather vigerously.

I hear Chris snort and mutter. "Idiot".

Scott's head whips round. "I heard that", now turning his attention back to me. "I was saying to Chris the other day that your album is constantly on repeat at my place - and on Spotify when I'm not".

"Time to take it down a notch". Chris warns, clearly worrying that his brother is coming off as some kind of super fan. It's actually rather sweet to know I'm on his Spotify at least.

I shake my head. "It's ok".

Scott gives his brother the middle finger. "See? It's not freaking her out".

Not on the outside at least. Inside I'm pretty much screaming.

"So, I'm guessing you guys are being interviewed together?" I now ask, knowing that his brother wouldn't be dressed as smartly as he is just to sit in the audience and watch.

"Yep. No idea what they've got instore for us". Chris replies, eyes still burning onto me.

For a moment I'm completely at a loss of what to say - all vocabulary evading me before I realise I just need to say something. "Prosecco..."

You idiot.

Scott and Chris look at one another before I manage to get out. "It's good..." reaching for another glass of it for courage. "Can't have too much though - otherwise I'll be falling over".

This is going terrible.

The door opens again and a voice calls in, "Essie, we're ready for you".

Saved by the backstage team. Yes!

Knocking back the alcohol, I take my water and say to Scott and Chris that I'll see them later.

I don't think I've ever exited a room as quickly as I did the green room that day, but the alcohol was a good choice. It was probably the best performance I gave later on into the show, plus the interview itself was really fun.
Sitting there listening to the brothers during their segment was probably the funniest but most chaotic thing I've ever experianced. I didn't even realise that their mother was in the audience until they pointed her out.

As I walk down the hallway after to be shown out, they quickly stop me to say goodbye.

"He wants your number but is too chicken to ask!" Scott whispers loudly as he hugs me, causing Chris to grit his teeth and scold him.

"Stop! Go wait for me with Mom". Now pushing his little brother away in the opposite direction. Now turning back to me, there's a determined look in his eye. "And just for the record - I'm not chicken, it'd just be nice to keep in touch or something - even if it's just Instagram".

I nod, trying not to freak out. "Ok", and then jot down my number thanks to Jen swooping in with a pen and some scrap paper. "I'm on Instagram too, so er...yeah, feel free to follow me".

I honestly suck at stuff like this. Just as well probably won't see him again - regardless of whether he has my number or not. He's usually off filming his stuff for Marvel or whatever project he has coming up, so I very much doubt I'll be receiving a text anytime soon.

At least, that was what I thought until two days later when I would be eating my words. 

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