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Once I'm back at the hotel and finally had a chance to shower, Jen comes in and tells me that Chris is waiting for me out in the lounge of the suite. I look at her and make a face. "I'm not sure this is gonna go well".

"He seems fine to me. I'll be in the other room if you need me". She says and gives me a thumbs up before disappearing. I hear her say something to him and then his Boston accent drift in through the crack in my door.

I try not to melt a little, suddenly having flashbacks to how on that night we had, he'd been whispering filthy things in my ear. And it was the damn accent that made it all the more thrilling.

I smooth my hair down and then finally gather the balls to walk out. He's currently just pacing around casually, hands in his pockets. But on seeing me he stops, just staring at me for a moment before he smiles weakly. "Hey Ess..."

I nod to him. "Hi..."

"Thanks for seeing me. You didn't have to though".

"I think we both know that I did". I say and flop onto the couch, gesturing for him to sit down. "So...you came to the show..."

He nods. "It's not for PR or anything. I promise. Scott had tickets and I knew it would be the only chance I'd get to try and make things right between us".

I sit back, "Did Megan tell you everything?"

"She did, and believe me I'm just as pissed about it as you are. I knew nothing about what she and the team had planned - but what I did hear was that you gave her a talking down". There's a small smirk on his lips.

"It was needed. I'm not PR puppet, and that's all I was going to be with you. She would have only tried to justify it by saying that it would help with my music, but I don 't need your name to further my own".

"And I know that" He says, "But I really did want to give things a shot, even though you didn't. It wasn't for publicity on my part". He toys with the bracelets on his wrist. "I still like you Ess, even if you've slated me through your music. I don't want us to have this feud anymore".

I sigh. "I've never once said that the song was about you. I've been asked about it in interviews but I've never flat out said "Oh this about Chris". It's just people putting two and two together. For all they know it could be about anyone". I pause. "Look, we still follow one another on Instagram, still text - if it's what you want then it's water under the bridge. But I'm not looking for anything other than friendship - at least not at this point. It wouldn't be fair as this year is packed with touring, recording and so on".

I don't know whether he was hoping that we could give things a go, but he accepts what I've offered regardless. It would only end in tears if we were to try and have some sort of relationship romantically. We both have our own careers, he's ten years older than me (not that it matters but I know he would like to settle eventually). I just see it all blowing up in my face before it's already begun.

"I'd rather that than nothing". He now tells me with a smile. We call it a truce there and then before he checks his watch. "I should go, I've got a plane to catch in the morning".

I get up as he does and we exchange a rather awkward hug. He smells so good though. I let go. "I'm gonna be in Boston at the end of next month. I'll set aside a few tickets for the date if you're able to make it?"

"Send me the details and I'll see whether I can make it". He tells me as he makes for the door and opens in, then turning back to me. "See you around Ess", leaning in and giving me a light kiss on my cheek before he walks out.

I close my door and run my hands down my face, Jen now emerges from her room and looks at me. "Well?"

"We've called a truce. Set aside some VIP's for the Boston date, me may come, he may not". I instruct.

"On it. But is everything ok? It seemed amicable".

"I think we know where we stand with one another". I admit. "I just think something high profile between us wouldn't do either of us any favours, but I'm not ruling out something in the future if it is gonna happen".

Whether it will or not is a question unanswered for now, but remaining as friends and as amicable as can be is probably the best option right now. 

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