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We say nothing as Chris opens the door and lets me in, closing it behind me. I'm already further into the room by the time I turn around to see he's pretty much behind me.

"So...I got my towel..." I smirk as I hold it up.

He edged closer to me until he's just inches from me. "I don't think we're gonna be needing towels to dry off Ess".

At this point, any pride that I had in telling myself that I didn't want something between us, has been thrown away. Clearly I'm going to be unable to steer clear of him, especially since we decided to be 'friends'.

I don't know what the fuck we even are anymore. All I know is that once again, history is repeating itself in terms of screwing in his hotel room.

Except this time around? I don't care....

Clothes are shed, and after fumbling our way to the bathroom we end up in the shower, water raining down upon us as he slams his hand against it to turn it on. Hoisting me up he pins me in between himself and the wall, my legs wrap around his waist before he thrusts into me hard.

"Fuck..." I only manage to utter raggedly as he does so again.

"That's what we're doing isn't it?" His voice fills my ear closest to his mouth, and this only makes me shiver in excitement.

My mouth meets his once more while we move together. I've forgotten just how many tattoos he has - and just how much I loved tracing them last time we were like this together.

With every thrust, I seem to lose more breath until finally we end up releasing together - the water washing away our 'sins' so to speak.

He gently puts me down so I don't slip over, although my legs betray me and almost give way. Thankfully I manage to reach for a towel, passing him one. "Well..." I begin. "I erm...do you want me to go?"

He says nothing, but instead kisses me hard.

That's a no then.

"Jen or Megan may find out if i stay..." I now say in between kisses. The last thing we both need is both of them giving us a talking down. We both know currently things are messed up, but right now? We don't care about the consequences.

"You really think I give a fuck? They could walk in right now and I'd still take you right in front of them".

Even after everything, he fell harder than I did before and seems to still feel that way.

How do I feel though? At the moment I'm still coming down from the most intense orgasm he's just given me.

"Right now? I really don't want to think of our publicists while I'm trying to stop myself from having you on every surface of this hotel room".

I bite my lip. "Who says you should stop?"

His eyes skim me, my hair dripping wet whilst droplets of water glisten and run over the exposed skin of my chest. "I said I was trying...but somehow I know I won't be able to".

I don't let him carry on, instead showing him that he's right.


I wake the next morning to my phone buzzing and at least ten missed calls from Jen, along with the texts to go with it. She knows exactly where I am and looks like she is on her way to practically batter the door down.

Jen: I know you're with him - Kev from security told me you left to go to his room.

I need to fire Kev...

Jen: Essie, we have to be on a plane in two fucking hours, wake your sex induced ass up and get back to your damn hotel room!

Jen: Ok, fuck this - I'm coming to find you. You do realise if you two are seen together then it's going to start a riot we've already got under control once...

I nudge Chris awake but it's too late, there's a knock on the door and Jen announcing the other side of it that she knows I'm in here. I throw on my clothes and throw the door open, pulling her in whilst Chris doesn't even care that his ass is on show while still on the bed.

"Did you get my texts?"

"The whole 500? Yes. I was about to come back - calm down". I roll my eyes and look back, Chris covering a certain part of himself with the sheets and giving a nod to my publicist.

"Jen...nice to see you again..."

Jen sighs, muttering to herself - "This is going to be another shit storm - I can tell".

"It's not". Chris says, standing up and almost losing the sheet covering his dick. "Ess and I just need to talk through a few things, considering we never really got a chance to last night".

"Well whatever this is? I need you guys to sort your shit out. Already there's paps outside, they got wind that you're both in the same hotel and hope to catch you leaving together".

Chris shrugs. "Let them try - you guys need to leave before me and my family anyway".

I run a hand down my face. "They'll still know - look I've got a few days off while we travel, think we can FaceTime or something so we can, well..." I trail off, "I don't even know what this is..."

"Don't you want it to be something?" He asks, at this point Jen makes a note of leaving the room to give us privacy.

"I do but, we just need to do it right? Not like last time".

"When we fucked in a hotel room and you then decided it was nothing?" He comes back with the sentence before I can even carry on. "You think I wasn't hurt by you saying you didn't want more? Regardless of whether PR was being planned behind our backs? Because I wanted everything from you. I wanted us to do what couples do, go out, spend time together when we could. I wanted us to be something Essie!" He pauses. "Y'know, I was pissed when I heard the song first time around, but the more I listened the more it made me want you, but I understood and still do, about why you wanted to focus on your career - because you're one of the most fucking unique singers out there".

"Chris..." I begin but he stops me.

"I don't want to be the one who is the reason for people turning against you. Because that's what fans do. They're toxic, sometimes mine are no different. I know why you don't want to get involved anymore than we already have done together".

I look at the floor. "You're doing this to protect me".

"It's because I care. I've had relationships in the past that were ruined by the media, fans - and I regret that I couldn't protect those people enough. But I care about you more than I thought I could, which makes me know I need to do this".

I know what he's saying.

I swear hotels are a fucking curse for us both.

"Ok". I say, and nod to myself. "Right, well - friends is better so it seems. If we can even be that?"

But I don't hear his answer because I've already bolted from the room, my heart in the pit of my stomach.

This is all my fault, and payback for everything I inflicted on him before.

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