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Chris comes calling, and because I have no self control? I go running. The phone call that we had was tense - he's been putting it off ever since he got back to Boston after the Ghosted premiere and listened to the song I sent.


Because after he had done, he ended things with his girlfriend and wrote me an email telling me and how he felt. How he really wanted things for us to happen and just be right.

It was the email I never read.

He thought that I was still sticking by what I'd said and was ignoring him. Or that I had moved on and was seeing someone else.

What a mess.

I ended up reading the email on the way over to Boston and cried. It was raw, truthful, and now I find myself in his bed after 'reuniting'.

He's in the kitchen currently - I can hear him talking to Dodger, probably still thinking I'm asleep, but as he comes back in he notes I'm awake and smiles. "Hey you, thought you were still asleep". Putting my coffee on the side table next to me and then leaning down, placing a long and hungered kiss on my mouth.

I have no idea what time it is, but he must have been up a while as he's already dressed. Jet lag really did kick in after the sex.

Looking at my phone I see it's waaaaay too late and sit up. "You should've woke me, now my sleep patterns gonna be fucked". I smile as he comes to sit next to me. "And did I ever tell you how hot the glasses make you?" I note he's wearing them.

"Well im getting older, things are not working as they used to". He chuckles softly and I kiss him again.

"I know one thing certainly is though". I say against his lips.

"Mmm, damn right". He can't help himself but steal another one. "Was your management ok with you coming over?"

It was a quick decision, one which Jen didn't try and stop me from making though. She knew I needed this and was rearranging my schedule with management, stating I needed downtime after exhausting myself lately. They didn't argue and have moved what they need to so I can have a month or two of just nothing.

And this time I know it will be bliss, because we're going to finally do this right. Do it our way - away from the media and those who would speculate.

"They're fine - more than happy for me to take time considering I've done nothing but promotion and performing since the album came out". I tell him as Dodger lays across us, vying for attention. I tickle his belly and snuggle close to Chris.

"Good, because otherwise I'll just call them myself and tell them I'm keeping you for a while". He says and takes a sip of his coffee.

Curiosity gets the better of me and I have to ask the next question to know where I stand. "Does your mum know that I'm here?"

He nods. "She does. In fact she's been on my case for a while to rekindle things with you".

"How long?"

"Long enough". He throws me a look that tells me that even she was telling him to just end things with the ex girlfriend. "After I got off the phone with you the other evening I called her. Told her everything. And she just said that I had done the right thing. She really likes you and was pissed at me letting you go".

I say no more on the subject and just enjoy this rare moment of peace between us. Hopefully it becomes a familiar presence. It has to - because we've already told one another that this is it. It's our time.

"Wanna take Dodge for a walk along one of the trails?" He asks once we finish our coffee. Dodgers ears perk up at the word 'walk'.

"Let me shower and I'll be right with you". I promise, "there won't be anyone lurking with a camera in a bush or whatever will there?"

He grins and shakes his head. "Thankfully no. It's pretty private here". He assures me.


I slide out of bed and head into the shower, which is incredibly welcoming. I don't even hear Chris come in until he opens the door and gets in with me, arms sliding around my waist and his lips pressing a kiss on one of my shoulders.

I don't stop him, feeling how ready he already is for me. One of his hands trails between my legs and two fingers slip inside of me, beginning to dip in and out while his thumb circles my clit. I arch my back against him, one of my arms coming up and wrapping around the back of his neck. The only word I can really breathe out is "Fuck..."

"Mhmmm" is all he hums, knowing what he's doing.

I move against his hand, fucking against his fingers until I clench around them and release. Withdrawing them, he licks them clean, then turning me around to face him and hoisting me up against the wall. The familiarity of that night back in the hotel room coming back, especially as he begins to move into me inch by delicious inch. I'm feeling the ache between my legs as I throb away for him now, and finally moan loudly as he begins to thrust into me deep.

"Scream as loud as you want, no one's here to hear you". He utters before silencing another moan that escapes into his mouth as it covers mine. His thrusts strong, deep and picking up the pace. My breath hitches with every one, the urge to cum building once more. "You're getting tighter. Good girl". He praises softly, knowing that soon he'll tip me right over the edge. "That's it, clench around me..."

I feel him begin to spill into me, which then makes me release over him as I cry his name out, fucking through our release until finally we're breathless. The water is still falling over us as we catch our breath.

"I think I'm certainly refreshed for that walk". I smirk as he slips out and let's me down gently, my legs a little wobbly.

"Then let's go - faster we get out there, the faster I can bring you back here and take you back to bed again".

He doesn't need to tell me twice.

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