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"You're meant to be in Atlanta". I say as I check to make sure cardboard Chris is nowhere in sight. The crew are probably having fun wheeling it around or something, but I seriously didn't expect him to be here tonight.

"I was yesterday, but was back today. I came straight here". He shrugs.

I note Jen slip away to give us some privacy. "Why?" I ask.

He looks at me in a way that makes me want to melt. "Why not?"

He came back from Atlanta to see me. He knew he was coming back and would be here to surprise me, even though after everything he really didn't have to.
I look back and see his family talking to Jen and mine before looking back at him. "You heading back to Concord tonight or..."

He shakes his head. "Got a hotel, and if I'm thinking right then you're at the same one too..."

I bite my lip. "Remember what happened the last time we ended up in a hotel together?"

"Mhmmm" his eyes look me up and down- even though I must look like a right state. "But of course, you know we said we wouldn't let anything happen again - cause y'know...friends".

This little shit is playing with me - and he's loving every moment - but I suppose it's no more than I deserve.

"Yeah" I agree awkwardly. "Friends..."

Who am I kidding, you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. "Come on" he takes my hand and jerks his head towards the exit. "Think we can escape without them noticing?"

"Perhaps". I smirk.

"Where did you put cardboard me?" He asks.

I raise my brow. "Why? You wanna bring it with us?"

"Hell no". He chuckles, "I wanna make sure it's not replacing me".

Holy crap, the conversation has turned again...

I shake my head at this with a knowing look. "I'm not gonna lie, he's not as good as the real thing".

"Chris!" Someone shouts.


We turn as see both of our families waving us over, while Jen knows exactly what we were planning judging by her look that she's directing towards me. It screams 'publicists nightmare'.

My parents give me a hug whilst Noah jokes to me that the show was 'mediocre'. He's met with a slap across the chest before I introduce everyone to one another properly.

"This is my mom, Lisa". Chris finally says as I am now met with the woman who may have wanted to cut me up into little pieces a month or so ago. "Mom this is Essie..."

I'm half expecting this woman to give me the cold shoulder, glare at me, even run me over with her car at the very most, but instead she gives me a warm smile and hugs me. "It's nice to finally meet you at last".

"As opposed to hearing of me as well as my sing about your son?" I ask cautiously as she pulls away.

"Well it really did give us all a good laugh - thankfully Chris knows how to poke fun at himself. I've been getting to know your mom and the rest of your family..."

That is quite possibly the worst thing ever, but the good news is that I won't be found buried under her back yard anytime soon.

"Well it was nice to meet you". I smile.

"Pleeeeeeeease get me into Coachella!" Scott now appears and begs, causing Lisa to frown her disapproval. He sees. "What? I really wanna go?"

I smirk. "Why do you think you deserve VIP Coachella?"

He looks at me as though it isn't obvious. "Because you love me more than Chris and wanna have me there to party with".

"Ass" Chris mutters. "You should burn his ticket in front of him".

I roll my eyes. "If I put you and Steve on the list will you shut up about it?"

"Pinkie swear!"  He agrees, all but bouncing on the spot.


"Yes!" Scott punches the air but is then met by Lisa turning 'mum' on him.

"Say thank you to Essie". She eyes her younger son with amusement.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" He says and quickly hugs me tight.

At this point I signal to Jen it's time to leave and she gives a nod to security. "It was nice to meet you all". I say and look at Scott with a smirk. "Not you".


Chris's Boston tinged laughter sounds and I know I need to get out of here - now. Turning to him I give him a hug while everyone seems to be making plans to meet for breakfast tomorrow morning. "So...guess I'll be seeing you".

He leans into my ear as we embrace. "I'll text you later", then pulling away and acting as though nothing has changed between us when it clearly has.

The Evans go one way while me and my family, complete with security and Jen go the other. I sit and stare out of the window during the car ride back, getting a text before we've reached there. Come to room 376. C x

There are paps waiting for me as I arrive and we're ushered in past the sound of camera shutters and blinding flashes. People calling out to me, asking whether Chris was at the show tonight as he's here. Are we back on again? Every question about us is thrown my way.

I don't answer though, and by the time I get to my room I breathe a sigh of relief. Need a shower - will be along soon. E x

Chris: you do realise I have a shower in my room, pretty sure I'm gonna need one too at this rate...

I stare at the message for a moment. It's a bad idea, a very, very bad idea. A 'friends' shower?  I end up sending back.

Yep, totally. Totally a 'friends' shower. We'd be doing the hotel a favour, saving them money on one use of water instead of two.

I mean. I'm all for helping the environment and keeping the rising prices of bills down. My next text pretty much seals the deal.

See you in five x

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