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"But did you really have to go and write a fucking song about it Ess! It's all over the media like a bad rash!"

I hold the phone away from my ear as Chris is yelling down the other end of it. A phone call that I've been waiting for since the media posts appeared over the last couple of days.

It's not my fault I'm simply changing the narrative of our couple of dates, and one night to the correct one. After all, I've been bad mouthed and accused for just using the guy and then dumping him. Has he defended me at all? Actually come clean and said it was just didn't work out and that I didn't want a relationship around that time?


Instead his 'team' have simply made it look so that he's clean and I'm the villain, even if there are no villains in this situation. I just didn't want a relationship, I wanted to focus on my music and not settle.

And all he wanted me for? Probably PR, even if his team have denied it numerous amounts of times to me. They can't pull the wool over my eyes, nor that of my publicist Jen - who could tell a mile off that it was exactly what it would end up as. 

"Technically I never fucking mentioned your name! It could be about anyone! You're not the only dick I've had in the last year, geez!" I snap back at him, really wanting this conversation to be over.

"Well your publicist better put out a damn good statement to clear up this mess".

"What mess? The one you made when your team all but lied about the situation in general? It was barely a relationship! Don't you think I'm entitled to tell my side as well?"

Chris is fuming. "So it is about me".

"You said that I hurt you!"

"Because you did! I really liked you Ess! I wanted more for us, but instead you just spent one night with me and then said you never wanted anything serious! If you didn't then you could've at least given me a heads up!"

"I'm not having this conversation with you now. I have better things to be doing, an album to be recording".

His Boston accent is thick in contrast to my English one. "Because that's what it's aaaaaaaalways been about hasn't it? Just the music, nothing or no one else - you don't even care about whose name you're tarnishing".

"Just like you don't care about telling the truth when you have reporters questioning you about us". I bite back. "Hate me all you want, but I don't care. I've said my piece and this song is out there. Go deal with it".

Either way the fans love it. Both here in the US and back home in the UK - so clearly I'm doing something right. To be honest I wasn't expecting the US fame to be as big as it has, but it seems they love the music so much that I'm doing gigs like Coachella - something I never thought I'd do. 

Don't even get me started on Glastonbury - I'm still getting over the shock of getting to play the Pyramid stage soon. 

There's an awkward silence before Chris's voice sounds again. "Essie..."


"You write anything more about me then I swear my team will come down so hard on your ass..."

I smirk, now not being able to help being smug as I have the perfect comeback. "Not as hard as you did that night though...I'll leave you with that memory, Evans". Now hanging up on him before sinking further into the couch with a groan.

Even if it wasn't anything for me back then, I still can't understand why, aside from the recent speculation, he's on my mind as of late.

I can't wait to see the next interview he gives where he has to answer about me - because after that conversation? It's going to be anything but praise. 

"That didn't sound like a great conversation" Rhys, my producer now swivels around in his chair to where I'm still slumped on the couch behind him. I forgot for a moment that we were in the studio, but hey - it was a call that needed to be taken in order to get Chris to stop actually calling. 

It was either him or his reps. 

"You can probably guess who exactly it was". I roll my eyes. 

"Captain America - let me guess, he's heard the song". 

"Mhmmmmm" I muse and sigh. "Needless to say he's pissed". 

Rhys smirks. "What? Because you actually put the truth out there when he's done anything but that". 

I have no idea why I'm about to defend him. "I mean, it's not just him though - his publicist should be setting the record straight or whatever - but because he's Marvel property he's got an image to maintain". 

"Oh and you don't? Look you've got to admit that the press about you two has been good for promotion, but it's not worth it making you out to be a dick who dumped him after one night with him". 

"Well, if it doesn't get sorted then I'll be writing a hell of a lot worse about him, that's for sure. He can threaten me all he wants". Rhys grins at this, knowing I already have a couple more songs where that came from. 'On My Mind' is just the beginning. "Am I doing the wrong thing?" I now question.

He scoffs as though I've just asked the dumbest thing ever. "Hell no - you're not bending the truth or avoiding it. He is though". Now turning back to the mixing desk. "We ready to go again with 'Burn'?" 

"Let me grab my water and I'll be with you". I heave myself from the chair - the heavy weight of the truth still pushing me down. 

If I'm hated by anyone? Then it may as well be Chris Bloody Evans. 

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