- A Beautiful Loneliness -

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"All I ever wished for was for someone to be in front of me when I woke up."

"These words echo through the chambers of my heart as I sit here, pen in hand, pouring my thoughts onto this letter. I am Mayu Harada, a 17-year-old girl, a girl like any other but sadly that's where the similarities end. I write this letter, hoping that it will reach someone, anyone, who would be kind enough to find me and become my friend.

Loneliness has become an unwelcome companion in my life, and it gnaws at my soul. All I have ever yearned for is the warmth of companionship, the laughter of friends, the embrace of a family, and the opportunity to build a family of my own. Each stroke of my pen brings me closer to my 4,657th letter, and with each letter, my hope flickers like a fragile flame, praying for a miracle.

To start off, let me tell you about the world I inhabit-a world starkly different from yours. In the vast expanse of existence, two realms coexist in parallel, distinct yet linked-the realms of Sekai and Tekan. Sekai, a vibrant world teeming with life and bustling with human connection, stands in stark contrast to Tekan, my home, a desolate land plagued by solitude. While your world teems with bustling cities and countless souls, my reality is one of isolation. For 17 long years, I have existed in a world devoid of companionship.

That's right, I've been alone for 17 years.

You maybe wondering, what must've happened to bring about such loneliness upon me? What led to a girl like me enduring this profound isolation for what feels like an eternity? The answer is both simple and complex. You see, my world is connected to yours by a fragile barrier, established over a thousand years ago. Why was it made? Well as so whenever the Sekai dimension was in the state of extinction, they would be able to safely reside here in Tekan as meteor strikes were very common back then. This barrier was created as a sanctuary, a refuge for those facing the brink of extinction. Luckily, they haven't yet needed to use it now but unluckily they won't be able to too. It's completely broken, at least in my opinion it is. I believe it lies broken, irreparable.

How did it break?

Well, It all started in the year 1771, when tragedy struck my dimension. The skies above unleashed a colossal force upon us-an unforgiving meteor known as the 54A Kazen meteor. It claimed the lives of millions, shattering the barrier that once allowed interdimensional passage. I was but a mere infant then, oblivious to the cataclysmic events unfolding around me. I possess no clear memories of how I survived or who took care of me in those desperate times. My parents, my friends, everyone I held dear, all victims of that fateful incident. I never had the chance to see them, to hold them close, or to even capture their faces in a photograph. The void their absence left in my heart is an ache that never truly subsides. Sometimes, I find myself questioning why I was spared. If I had perished alongside them, I would have been spared this enduring loneliness. Yet, deep within, I hold on to the belief that I stand alone for a purpose-a purpose yet to unfold.

Amidst the wreckage of that tragic day, I made a choice to begin anew. I chose to accept my circumstances, to navigate this desolate path, and to emerge stronger. The journey has been tough, marked by moments of despair and aching solitude. But I refuse to surrender to the abyss of hopelessness. Being alone is a formidable challenge, but living a life devoid of hope is an even greater burden to bear.

Through the darkness that envelops my days, I found writing as my passion. Writing became my sanctuary, my refuge amidst this desolation. At the tender age of nine, I discovered the power of words. I would scribble stories and create intricate paintings on any surface that offered a canvas and drew countless figures even when no soul was there to witness it. But I guess that's the best part of being lonely, right? No one to demean you or criticize you and you're free to do whatever you want.

In the ruins left by that unforgiving meteor, I found resilience. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and self-reliance. It was a path strewn with fragments of broken dreams and dashed hopes, yet I summoned the strength to rebuild, brick by brick, the shattered remnants of my existence. The ruins became the foundation upon which I would construct a new life-a life rooted in hope and unwavering determination.

But as my 18th birthday draws near, I feel a tinge of anticipation ignite within my soul. The number 18 holds a special significance for many, marking a transition into adulthood, a gateway to new possibilities. I dare to dream that when that milestone arrives for me and I finally turn 18, I will not be alone by then. Perhaps fate will conspire to place someone by my side, someone who will sing me a birthday song or present me with a heartfelt gift. I understand that it may seem like an audacious wish, given the stark reality I have grown accustomed to. However, in the depths of my being, I yearn for connection, for the embrace of kindred spirits who will share in both the joys and sorrows of this tumultuous journey we call life.

From my vantage point, I gaze upon the other Earth, Sekai, far above in the sky. It glimmers like a distant star, casting its gentle glow upon my isolated existence. I often find myself wondering about the people who dwell there, the lives they lead, and the stories they hold close to their hearts. I've sent out over 4,000 letters yet there seems to be no response from the other side. I imagine encounters with individuals from that world, bridging the divide between our dimensions, forging connections that transcend the barriers of isolation. It has become my deepest wish-to meet someone from that other world, to experience the kinship that has eluded me for so long.

And so, with this letter, my 4657th letter, I cast my hopes into the vast unknown, yearning for change to sweep into my life like a gentle breeze. I send it forth, guided by the magic of destiny, with the flickering flame of hope burning brightly within its folds.

I pour my heart onto this page, laying bare my vulnerability, my longing, and my unyielding spirit. I entrust this letter to the whims of fate, praying that it reaches a compassionate soul who understands the weight of loneliness and the transformative power of human connection. May it find its way to someone who, like a guiding star, will navigate through the darkness to my side, offering solace and friendship.

In the quiet depths of my isolated existence, I continue to write, to create, and to dream. For even in the absence of companionship, my spirit remains resilient, and the flicker of hope within me persists. I choose to believe that my life is destined for change, that a twist of fate lies just beyond the horizon.

I pray that this letter reaches you, and that its words resonate within your heart. Here's to the possibility of a connection that transcends dimensions and brings light to the darkness that surrounds me.

So, I hope that with the letter that I'm sending out right now to the other dimension,

Here's to hoping,

That my life changes forever.

-Mayu Harada"

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