Love In A World Unseen

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"Here we are Akio! The place I first woke up in," Mayu exclaimed with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. She stood beside Akio, both of them finally reaching their destination after a long and arduous journey. Mayu's eyes fixated on a particular tree, pointing towards it as she continued, "I'm pretty sure that the capsule will be right around that tree over there."

Akio cracked his fingers, preparing for the task at hand. "We don't have any shovels or equipment with us, so we're gonna have to get our hands dirty," he said, his determination shining through his voice.

Mayu's face lit up with a bright smile. "There's no one to see our dirty hands. I'm ready!" she exclaimed, ready to dig into the ground and uncover the elusive capsule that held the answers they sought.

As they began to dig, the hours passed by, and the sun started its descent, casting long shadows across the landscape. Mayu's shoulders ached, her hands blistered from the hot sun, but her determination remained unyielding. The duo persisted, their hands thrusting deeper into the earth with each motion, resolute in their search for the rare capsule that held the key to Mayu's awakening.

With the sun sinking below the horizon, the sky adorned with hues of orange and pink, Akio's hands hit something solid and metallic. Triumph surged through him, and he let out a cry of joy, alerting Mayu to their success. She rushed over to assist him, both of them working together to excavate their prize.

As they dug deeper, the metallic capsule began to emerge from the earth, its enigmatic presence captivating their attention. Akio carefully lifted it out of the hole, cradling it in his hands and bringing it up to the light. Grinning with an undeniable sense of accomplishment, he declared, "We did it. We found it."

Mayu nodded, a wave of relief washing over her. Their hands were swollen, their bodies exhausted, but they had persevered. They had worked tirelessly, and now they could be proud of their achievement.

Akio, his face drenched in sweat, circled around the capsule, closely examining it. "This...this doesn't seem like something anyone could have done . I'm certain there must have been a scientist or someone behind this," he mused, marveling at the craftsmanship of the mysterious artifact.

Mayu's gaze remained fixed on the capsule. She reached out, gently running her fingers along its metallic surface. "Do you think it still works?" she asked, her voice laced with a mix of curiosity and hope.

"It's been buried underground for several years. I don't think it does anymore," Akio replied, his tone tinged with a touch of skepticism. "I wish we could learn more."

Mayu's expression turned somber, disappointment evident in her eyes. "I only remember waking up inside it. That's the only thing I recall, I'm sorry, Akio," she confessed, her voice barely audible.

Akio's eyes softened, his empathy shining through. "Don't force yourself, Mayu. It's all right. At least now we know what protected you from the incident. For now, that's the only answer we have," he assured her, offering a reassuring smile.

Mayu took a step forward, a mixture of curiosity and trepidation driving her actions. She extended her hand, cautiously reaching out to touch the capsule. But he moment her fingers made contact with its smooth surface, a surge of memories flooded back to her, overwhelming her senses. Her mind became a canvas, replaying the catastrophic events that had unfolded—the meteor hurtling towards them, the chaos and destruction that ensued, and the heart-wrenching loss of everyone she held dear.

Mayu's body weakened under the weight of those painful memories. Her legs gave way, and she fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to comprehend the flood of emotions that had been locked away inside her. A wave of dizziness washed over her, leaving her disoriented and vulnerable. But in that moment, Akio swiftly moved to her side, catching her before she hit the ground.

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