The Name Etched Within

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Sekai, 9:34 AM

Yukino slowly opens her eyes, her head throbbing with a hangover. She blinks a few times, trying to remember the events of the previous night. As her vision clears, she notices Akio, peacefully asleep beside her. A small smile plays on her lips as she watches him, but she decides to let him rest.

Yukino gingerly sits up, careful not to disturb Akio. She glances around the room, spotting a mirror on the dresser.

"Goodness me!" Yukino says

Her messy hair is disheveled, and smudged makeup marks her face. She sighs, realizing she needs to freshen up.

After fixing her appearance as best as she could, Yukino searched for a piece of paper and a pen. Finding them on a nearby desk, she sat down and began to write a letter for Akio. With her job done, she slowly took her belongings before having a last look at Akio's peaceful face and leaving for her own apartment.

Sekai, 10:05 AM

Akio's head throbbed as he slowly regained consciousness. The morning light pierced through the curtains, causing him to squint his eyes. His mouth felt dry, and the remnants of last night's festivities still lingered in his mind. He rubbed his eyes, trying to piece together the fragmented memories of the previous evening.

As his surroundings came into focus, Akio realized he was in his own bedroom. He turned his head to the side, expecting to find Yukino beside him, but the spot was empty. Confusion washed over him.

His gaze wandered across the room, searching for any sign of her. And then he noticed it—a folded piece of paper resting on the nightstand, as if waiting for him to discover it.

"Akio. . I didn't want to wake you up so I left early. I had fun last night and I'm excited for what tonight's festival brings. 8 PM. See u soon."

A smile tugged at the corners of Akio's lips as the memories of their shared laughter and heartfelt conversations flooded his mind. Last night had indeed been a memorable one.

He couldn't help but feel excited for the fireworks festival tonight. He had planned it for so long with Yukino and the day had finally arrived and so, with a sense of anticipation, he jumped onto his bed waiting for the breezy night to approach.


Yukino stood in front of Toshiro's apartment door and with a deep breath, she raised her hand to knock, the door swung open, revealing Toshiro with a beaming smile on his face.

"Yukino! Good morning" Toshiro exclaimed, his eyes alight with joy. "Come in!"

"Morning Shiro", she said with a smile on face, "I hope I'm not disturbing".

"Not at all! I'm actually glad you're here", Toshiro exclaimed with a warm welcome, "Now come in already, will you?"

Once inside, Toshiro offered Yukino a seat in his cozy living room, where they could talk in comfort. "So, what brings you here today?" Toshiro asked, curiosity twinkling in his eyes.

Yukino fidgeted with her hands, her eyes shifting around the room. "Toshiro, I need your help. You see, tonight is the fireworks festival, and I want to ask Akio if he would like to go with me. But I don't know how to do it."

Toshiro leaned back on his couch, listening intently. "Yes, that's a big step, Yukino. Have you thought about how you want to approach it?"

Yukino sighed, her voice filled with uncertainty. "I want to give Akio a memorable night, something that will make him feel special. I was thinking of getting him a gift, but I'm not sure if that's the right approach."

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