To Collide With The Other Side

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Sekai, 3:34 PM

Akio's heart raced in his chest, each beat echoing with a mix of excitement and anxiety as he sprinted towards Toshiro's house. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, glistening in the afternoon sun, as he reached the familiar doorstep. He took a moment to catch his breath before ringing the doorbell.

Ito Chikafuji, Toshiro's father, appeared at the door, a watering can in hand. Akio's voice quivered with anticipation as he greeted Mr. Chikafuji, his words rushing out in a nervous stream. "Afternoon, Mr. Chikafuji! Is Toshiro home at the moment?"

Ito Chikafuji looked up, his eyes widening in surprise at Akio's hurried arrival. He wiped the sweat from his brow and smiled warmly. "Oh, afternoon Akio! Yes, he is. You'll find him in his room upstairs."

Relief washed over Akio as he thanked Mr. Chikafuji, his voice trembling with gratitude. "Thank you. I promise this won't take long."

Without wasting another moment, Akio hurried up the stairs, his footsteps echoing in the hallway. He stood outside Toshiro's room, his hand trembling as he raised it to knock on the door. Each knock resounded with a mix of urgency and anticipation, echoing through the silence.

Toshiro's muffled voice, tinged with annoyance and curiosity, drifted through the closed door. "Are you going to break my door, you son of a- Oh, Akio? What brings you here?"

Akio's face flushed with a combination of relief and excitement as he stepped inside the room. Sweat dripped from his forehead, dampening his brow, as he entered. He walked back and forth, unable to contain his emotions, his footsteps echoing in the confined space.

Concerned, Toshiro tried to calm the situation. "Akio, what is it? What's wrong?"

"Shiro... Whatever I'm about to show you right now, you have to keep it between us." Akio's voice, filled with a sense of urgency and determination, poured out of him.

Toshiro's voice, tinged with confusion and curiosity, resonated through the room. "Sure, Akio. Is it your magazines again?"

Akio's voice quivered with a mix of excitement and anticipation as he reached into his pocket, retrieving two letters. His hands trembled slightly as he handed them to Toshiro, his voice filled with eager anticipation. "Take a look at these Shiro."

Toshiro's eyes widened as he read through the lengthy letter, the room enveloped in complete silence. Time seemed to stretch as Akio waited anxiously for Toshiro to finish reading, his heart pounding in his ears. After what felt like an eternity, Toshiro stood up, his expression a mixture of disbelief and uncertainty. He handed the letter back to Akio.

"What do you make of all this?"
Akio's voice quivered with a blend of hope and desperation as he eagerly awaited Toshiro's response.

Toshiro's voice carried a tinge of skepticism, his words laced with uncertainty. "I... I'm not sure where to begin with all this, Akio. It talks about a barrier, two dimensions, and a girl living alone for over 17 years. I mean, come on... Don't tell me you actually believe all of this."

Akio's voice trembled with a mix of frustration and conviction. "What other explanations do you have, Shiro? All this time, fate has been bringing me back to that valley over and over again, and then I find this letter. A letter that mentions the exact things I've been going through and seeing. We need to connect the dots, Shiro."

Toshiro sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Well, it's too hard to call it a coincidence, that's for sure. But again, it's hard to explain all this, so I don't want to jump to any conclusions without solid proof."

Akio's frustration was evident as he responded. "That's the thing. Finding this letter only raises more questions. Now I'm more stuck than ever."

Toshiro leaned against the wall, trying to process everything. "So, this girl, Mayu, she's been alone in a dimension for 17 years?"

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