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Below, you will find information about all the important characters of the story, including a photo to reference their appearance. Note that their appearances can be however you would like to imagine them to be. The photos I provided are just how I see them in my mind!

Side note: These character cards were not drawn by me. I used a website, pic crew, to customize the character's appearances to how I liked them.

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Here's a visual for the character's heights (I was unable to add in Cohen/Renard/Aiko because of the model limit on the website I was using)

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Here's a visual for the character's heights (I was unable to add in Cohen/Renard/Aiko because of the model limit on the website I was using)

Here's a visual for the character's heights (I was unable to add in Cohen/Renard/Aiko because of the model limit on the website I was using)

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Aiko's height: 5'7" ,    Cohen's height:  6'0"   ,   Renard's height: 6'0"

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