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The streets of Llyne were covered in light snow, yet there were no children out making snowmen or having snowball fights. Eerie silence stretched all throughout the quiet town, just like every other night. Families forbid themselves and their young ones from wandering during sundown. Though many stayed inside to keep themselves safe, some dared to go out at night, choosing to live their lives rather than fear the vampires creeping in the darkness. Those that did such a thing were eventually met with their own cruel, bloodied fate. Jared's mother was one of those unfortunate people whose lives ended with a vampire's fangs in their neck, all because she wanted to let Jared live a normal life for a moment.

On Jared's tenth birthday, he left the safety of his home with his mother to go explore the heart of the town. They visited many stores and even went to the local diner for Jared's birthday dinner. By that time, the sun was beginning to set, making way for the darkness. The darkness brought out the vampires. Everyone, even his mother knew that, but she decided to put her worries aside. This was the first time in a while that Jared was laughing and smiling. She didn't want to let his happiness end, not yet, not this soon. As the two of them lost track of time in the cozy restaurant, the once busy place became barren. All that was left was them and the few cooks and waiters that were bribed to work night hours with extra money added to their paychecks. When they finally stepped out into the frigid winter air, the safety of the day was long gone. While Jared was too young to fathom the idea that a vampire might attack them, his mother knew full well that it was a possibility. Still, the smile on Jared's face was one she wished he would have forever. It was so full of happiness, so full of the youth that many children across the globe had lost once the Bloodstained War took over their lives.

Jared slipped off his gloves and shoved them into the pocket of his puffy coat, intertwining his fingers with the warm ones of his mother. He swung their hands back and forth with a childish grin. This day was one he wished would last forever. After many years of spending his birthday in his home, sitting in the same chair at the same grand table that could seat twenty guests with only two of the seats filled, he was finally able to have a birthday outing in town. Although it wasn't much like the ones he saw in the movies that he watched to pass the time, it was fun nonetheless. It felt normal. He felt normal for the first time in what felt like centuries. That day was the first time he was able to step away from the daunting reality of humans fighting a losing war against fanged beasts.

     "Hey, Mom," He stretched out the last part like a child that was about to ask something they knew their mother would most likely say no to, "You know, I was thinking that we should get ice cream. It'll be the perfect way to end my birthday!"

    "It's way too cold to be eating ice cream. Besides, you already ate that big slice of cake at the diner, you rascal. Don't try to weasel your way into eating even more sugar." She pulled at his cheek with her free hand, making him swat her away.

    As he rubbed his sore cheek, he kept trying to sway his mother's mind, "Please? It's only my birthday once a year. Come on, Mom! We can even go back home and get Dad to come with us."

    His mother sighed at the mention of her husband whose presence was clearly lacking that day. The two of them were told that he, unfortunately, wouldn't be able to spend time with them because he had work to do. Her lips pulled into a frown as she thought of her husband. Jared glanced at her, concern and worry falling over him.

    "I...I changed my mind. I don't want ice cream anymore. Let's just go home and watch a movie," He sputtered out, thinking that his pestering had caused his mother to become upset. "We can watch Everlasting Love!"

    She gasped, raising an eyebrow at Jared's suggestion. "I thought you said that movie was so cheesy that you were almost on the brink of death by the time it ended?"

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