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While other students sat with their friends, chatting away and barely touching their lunches, Ember situated herself in her usual spot all the way in the back of the cafeteria where no one else sat. Although she was more than happy being by herself, many people still cast glances in Ember's direction, pitying the lonely girl. Though, that pity soon morphed to jealousy when people caught sight of the vampire that was quickly approaching her table.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing all alone?"

Ember took a swig from her water bottle. She felt terribly sorry for whatever girl was being hit on by a guy who had such horrendous flirting skills.

"Playing hard to get? I like it." Jared took the empty seat next to Ember. "The name's Jared."

"You were talking to m–...?!" Ember began, but her sentence was cut short after she accidentally inhaled the water she was drinking.

Can't breathe, can't breathe! Why isn't this asshole helping me?! She continued to choke on the water that had gone down her windpipe. Unfortunately, Jared was too lost in his own thoughts to take notice of this. Many other students were quick to notice Ember hacking up her lung though. Even Casper, who had just walked into the cafeteria, joined in on staring at the odd scene of Ember choking as Jared blankly stared at her.

 "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Casper groaned, rushing over to the table in record time.

Before he took care of Ember, he smacked Jared on top of the head. The blue-haired vampire then stepped in, swiftly hitting Ember on her back. Finally, her coughing ceased. She took a few deep breaths as she watched Casper sit down in the seat across from Jared.

"Why do you always gotta be so mean?" Jared pouted, rubbing the spot where Casper had hit him.  

"Shut your trap, if it weren't for me she would've passed out after cho-..."

"Passed out? I didn't know I was that  hot," Jared butt in, grinning at Ember. 

He was met with a look of pure repulsion. Ember had never met anyone who had such a big ego before.

"I'm not even going to try to correct you. It would be a waste of my time," Casper sighed, leaning back so that the front legs of his chair tilted upward.

Subtly, Jared began to slide down in his seat before he quickly kicked the back legs of Casper's chair. An evil grin spread across Jared's face as Casper and the chair crashed to the floor. 

"Shit, what the hell's wrong with you?" Casper asked, glaring up at Jared who simply smiled at him innocently. 

This was the perfect chance for Ember to get up and leave these two vampires, but, instead, she found herself unable to as she started laughing at the grumbling vampire that was struggling to get up. All three of them were surprised to hear the sound of her laughing like that. Quickly, she composed herself, frowning as she turned her attention back to the food on her tray. Can't they just leave already?

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