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Being different isn't always a good thing, especially when you're stuck in a class with snotty-nosed first graders. Like vultures on a dying rabbit, those kids flock around anyone who fits under the label of different. Ember was one of the six-year-olds that were a tad bit different. Unlike her sociable classmates, she preferred the quietness of the flowers that sat in their mini garden outside the classroom. At recess, the other kids would play tag or house, but Ember wouldn't be with them. Instead, her hands and knees were always in the dirt, plucking out any nasty weeds growing amongst the beautiful flowers. Because of her tendency to stick with the flowers, she was given the nickname of 'pansy'. When kids walked past her, the word 'pansy' was sneered at her. Of course, Ember didn't mind. She thought of the bullies in her class whenever she came across a weed. With a smile, Ember pulled out the weeds and tossed them aside, wishing she could do the same with her disrespectful classmates.

Only the flowers were there for her, but, eventually, loneliness caught up to her, even after she desperately tried to push it away. And so, Ember forced herself to make conversation with a girl in her class one day. That girl was wearing her hair up in pigtails for the day and wore a white shirt matched with a cute pink skirt.

"Um, Katrina," Ember forced out her voice, trying to overpower the louder ones of the other kids.

Still, Katrina didn't acknowledge Ember. Hesitantly, Ember tapped on her shoulder.

"Ew!" Katrina squealed in disgust, jabbing her finger toward Ember. "Don't touch me with your dirt-covered hands! You ruined my shirt! Get away, pansy! Get away!"

"I-I...but I wanted to say that I liked your..."

All of the kids surrounding Katrina joined in on calling Ember a pansy, drowning out Ember's shaking voice. That was the first and last time she ever tried to make a friend in class. It seemed like she wouldn't make a single friend for the whole year. That was until another girl transferred into the class. At first, everyone in the class thought she was some sort of royalty because of her beautiful looks. She had perfect dark brown hair, along with eyes that were almost black. The girl was viewed as royalty until she introduced herself in a foreign language. This resulted in an uproar of laughter from every single student except for Ember. Quickly, the teacher settled them down. Although the girl didn't have a clue as to what her classmates were saying, she knew for a fact that they were making fun of her. They rudely imitated her speech as she walked to her seat that was beside Ember. Rather than laughing at her, Ember waved at the girl before looking down at the placard on her desk reading, 'Aiko'.

"Nice to meet you, Aiko. I'm Ember," Ember introduced herself, hoping to make friends with the new girl.

Aiko smiled at Ember. At the time, she could only speak and comprehend a few words of English like hello, goodbye, sorry, help, etc. Though the two of them were separated by a language barrier, they formed a silent bond between themselves. They often used facial expressions or hand gestures to communicate during class or when they were out in the gardens. As their friendship blossomed, the kids in class continued to bully them with no mercy.

One day, when Ember and Aiko went outside for recess, they were met with the sight of destruction. Every flower Ember had worked so hard to keep flourishing was ruined. For the first time during school, Ember cried. She cried so hard that she began wailing and weeping like she had been injured, not the flowers. Their teacher came running the moment he heard the horrendous sound, fearful that a vampire might have attacked one of the kids. Upon seeing the flowers, he stopped dead in his tracks. Aiko pulled on his sleeve, trying to get him to help Ember.

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