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The scent of sterilizer that Landon had become so accustomed to was finally replaced with the smell of fresh flowers from the gardens of Lunette. As he walked across campus, he kept his head lowered, eyes trained on the ground and away from any of the students passing by. The last thing he wanted was for someone to see that he was back. That would cause one hell of an uproar, and he couldn't deal with that today.

It was hard enough for him to return to campus in the first place, as it meant leaving Casper behind. If whispering students and unnecessary attention were thrown in, it would only darken the already dreary emotions filling his heart. 

He embraced those emotions with open arms as he pushed open the door to his dorm, frowning even more deeply than before. Though, his frown faltered when he suddenly came face to face with Jared who had been patiently awaiting his arrival for almost an hour.

"It took you long enough! I've never wasted this much time on a dude before," Jared grumbled, but despite his complaints, a wide grin was on his face.

A phantom of a smile became hidden by a stubborn frown as a bit of happiness found its way to Landon. That happiness soon morphed into confusion when Landon took notice of the bulge Jared was holding in his shirt. Without saying a word, he pointed toward the moving bulge.

"You want to know what it is? I'll give you a hint: it's for you."

Whatever Jared was hiding was undoubtedly alive due to the fast heartbeat emitting from it. Judging by the fact that Jared was able to fit it inside his shirt, it had to be a small animal of some sort. The only problem was, Landon had no idea what animal Jared could've picked up. Knowing Jared, the animal was probably a rabid raccoon or possum that he snatched off the streets with the idea of messing with Landon in mind.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hands," Jared ordered him as he slowly inched toward Landon who just shook his head silently. "Do it or you admit that you're a big ol' pussy who gets zero bastards."

Landon opened his mouth with the words of protest hanging on the tip of his tongue. Those words were swallowed back down as he closed his mouth. He didn't have the energy or the heart to deny Jared, though he really wished he did. With a sigh and a desperate prayer that he wouldn't get rabies, Landon tightly squeezed his eyes shut, then hesitantly put out his hands.

For a few seconds, nothing happened. No possum bit his hand off and no raccoon scratched his face into smithereens. It was more concerning than it was relieving. If Jared took any longer, Landon would begin to think that Jared had been murdered by whatever animal Jared had kidnapped. 

Before Landon could give in to the urge to open his eyes, a small, soft animal was placed into the palms of hands. It didn't take long for Landon to realize that the animal in his hands wasn't a possum or raccoon. Instead, it was...

"Cat," Landon whispered, finally opening his eyes to look down at the brown-furred kitten that was already gazing up at him with its blue eyes. "It's...a cat."

"No, it's a dog. Of course, it's a cat, dipshit." Jared laughed, astonished that Landon hadn't guessed it earlier, as the cat had been meowing quite loudly. "I thought you could use the company, y'know? Besides, you're a sucker for those things."

A large surge of happiness shot through Landon, almost making him break through the frown on his face. Unfortunately, that happiness was ruined instantaneously. The cute kitten in his hands only brought him a stinging sense of guilt. His jaw tensed as he looked from the kitten and to Jared who was staring at him intently, as if Jared were studying him. Quickly, Landon averted his eyes.

Quiet humming left Jared's mouth before he broke the silence between them. "I was kind of hoping you would be smiling by now." Jared brought his hands up to Landon's mouth, stretching Landon's lips into a smile. "C'mon, give me–...give the cat a smile, would you?" As if the cat were agreeing with Jared, it let out a meow.

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