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Like a dog on a leash, Reed was being pulled in every direction Aiko took. It was always her way or the highway. Whenever he tried telling her he heard the sound of the flag flapping in the wind, she only ignored him, claiming that she would be the one to find the flag for them. The thing is, the duo games aren't individual contests. It's supposed to be a team effort, not a single-sided one. That was the reason why they have been walking aimlessly around campus for the past two hours with no progress. By the time nightfall came, Reed gave up on trying to tell her he knew where the flag was. It didn't matter how hard he tried, she just wouldn't listen to him. And at that point, he was praying for someone to find the flag soon. If he had to go another hour with Aiko tugging him left and right, he'd definitely go insane. Almost like his prayers were answered, their phones sounded with trumpets. All of the students around them collectively let out a disappointed sigh. The trumpets meant that the flag was returned to the announcer which also meant that a pair found the flag before everyone else.

    "I wonder who it was," Aiko thought out loud, leaning into Reed to see the display on his screen.

    On it, the words read 'Congratulations to the dynamic duo of the year...Cohen and Ember!". Almost instantly after reading the message, he shut his phone off. The scowl on his face was evident. If it was just Ember's name on there, he would have been as cheerful as ever, except it wasn't just her name. It was Cohen's name and then her name. Whoever set that up was close to being the dumbest person on Earth in Reed's opinion. That scumbag should be mentioned last or, actually, not even mentioned at all.

    "Dynamic duo, my ass," He seethed quietly as the grip he had around his phone tightened. The glass protector on his screen cracked slightly due to the pressure. "I've known her way longer than him. I bet if it was us together, we would have found it in record time."

    "But you're with me, not her. Remember that, Reed," Aiko whispered sharply.

    Reed turned his head to look at Aiko who he had forgotten was next to him. This wasn't going to end well, especially not when Ember was involved. He had to crawl out of the grave he just dug himself and fast.

    Wrapping his arm around Aiko's shoulder, he let out a fake laugh. "I was kidding. Don't get all hung up over nothing."

    "You better be or else..." Her eyes flickered to red before fading back to purple, "Or else I might just cry. You know how much I love you, Reed."

She was focused on someone to the left of them and out of Reed's field of vision. Although he couldn't see them, he knew they were there. As expected, there were two vampires standing nearby. He recognized the girl to be Anastasia and the guy was Uri, an asshole that was always itching for a fight. They were both vampires that he had classes with, but he never talked to them. Once Anastasia realized Reed had noticed them, she bowed her head out of respect for their differing ranks. Uri refused to do so, as he still didn't view Reed as someone superior to him.

    "Babe, don't bow down to that worthless piece of shit," Uri said with a repulsed look directed toward Reed which wasn't even acknowledged by the High-tier.

    With her eyes flaring red, Anastasia placed her hand on the back of Uri's head, forcing him to bow. "I don't feel like being your shield again, so please be quiet just this once."

    There had to be a reason why these two approached Reed. They were even going so far as to bow to him, something that not many vampires do anymore. The very fact that they were bowing most likely meant that they wanted something from him. That's only ever why Low-tier vampires approach High-tiers.

    "Can I help you?" Reed asked, silently hoping they would stop bowing since it was a little embarrassing.

    "Um...I thought I'd let you know that your friend, that girl, Ember, fainted earlier." She fiddled with her hands as she continued talking, "You seem to be pretty good, uh, friends with her, so..."

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