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All of the people patiently waiting outside Hypnosis grew quiet at the sight of the lavish limousine pulling up. Although none of them could see through the tinted windows, they knew that someone important was about to step out. Their minds entertained the idea of their favorite celebrities coming out of the limousine until Jared, Landon, and Casper came barreling out, almost tripping over each other in the process. Ember was just about to follow the three of them when she was suddenly pulled back into the safety of the limo by her arm. She fell back into the plush seat with a start.

    Scowling, Ember turned toward the very vampire that had almost made her twist her ankle. "Don't tell me you're having second thoughts about bringing me along." Reed opened his mouth to speak, but Ember quickly added, "Remember, I will not hesitate to show your old lady dorm to all of Lunette!"

Reed rolled his eyes before he revealed his hand that he had been hiding behind his back. Carefully held in his closed fist was a red chrysanthemum. "Here," He said, extending the flower toward Ember who only gaped at him.

Earlier, Reed had seen the flower peeking out from under his seat and decided to give it to Ember. Now that the time to do so arrived, he already felt himself beginning to regret it. Then that regret was gone, all because of one thing. Her smile. She was smiling ear to ear as if she had won the lottery. As she silently took the flower from Reed, her hand brushed against his, making purple and green eyes lock instantly. They continued to gaze at each other for yet another minute, too caught up in the beauty of the other to look away. Slowly and very  hesitantly, he took the flower back, then slid the stem behind Ember's ear. For a moment, she almost started leaning into Reed but was quick to stop herself. She quickly scooted herself across the seat and toward the door. With forbidden thoughts of kissing Reed tempting her to go back into the limo, she grudgingly grabbed onto the top of the car door, hoisting herself upwards. Her dress bunched up by her hips, prompting her to pull at the fabric resting at her thighs. When she was sure that she wouldn't flash anybody, she turned back toward the limo, then stuck her head inside.

    "Come on, Princess! Let's have some fun!" Ember cheered, mischievously grabbing Reed's empty hand that was just begging to be held.

    Much to Ember's surprise, he interlaced his fingers with hers as he let her pull him from the limo. This was such a small form of intimacy, yet it caused her heart to skip one too many beats. She could already feel the heat in her hand beginning to rise. Now's not the time to have clammy hands, Ember! Unbeknownst to her, it wasn't her hands that were growing warm, it was Reed's. He too was silently freaking out on the inside for two reasons. One: he was currently holding hands with Ember, which he knew wasn't something to gush over, but he still couldn't help it. And two: everyone, every single damn person there was staring at them with the same look in their eyes. It was a mixture of anger and fear. They were angry over the fact that Reed Karayan was holding hands with some lowly human and fearful of the idea of a vampire and human commingling. Even Ember felt the heavy gazes of others as the two of them walked by. At the same time, their hands became loose, slowly, reluctantly, letting go of the one they secretly desired. The two of them let go of each other as they came to a stop where Landon, Jared, and Casper were currently speaking with the bouncer. They had cut through the line with purpose and prestige, radiating with an overwhelming power that stopped anyone from calling them out. Still, the bouncer was unwilling to allow them in due to their ages.

    "Look..." Jared began, then took a quick glance at the bouncer's name tag, "...Aisha, we've been in this place more times than you can count. So, why don't you just be a doll and let us in already?"

    "I'll make it worth your while," He winked at her, already using the card of seduction to try to get his way.

    Unfortunately for Jared, Aisha was not one that could be won over by a man's half-assed flirting. She was an impenetrable wall decorated with various piercings, cropped red hair, and muscles that rivaled Landon's. No one could get past her, not even High-tier vampires.

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