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Cohen fumbled around with the key in his hand, struggling to unlock Mr.Kreo's office. After he received the short message, 'My office, now', he dropped everything and started running. He was always at the beck and call of the Elder, always obeying him. There was no other nickname more fitting for him than 'Elder's dog'. He scowled momentarily as the nickname sounded through his mind. I'm no do–...His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a low groan erupting from behind the door. Without wasting another second, he swung open the door, quickly shutting it upon seeing the vulnerability of the Elder who was lying motionless on the floor, bathed in his own blood.

    "I thought you were supposed to be invincible," Cohen snorted as he weighed the situation, finally realizing that he had the advantage now.

    Abaddon placed his hand flat on the ground, attempting to lift his abnormally frail body upward. His shaky arm proved to be nothing but useless. It gave out almost immediately. He made his hands into weak fists as he grew frustrated at his powerlessness. Cohen only watched in amusement, tilting his head to the side as he bent down to the ground.

"The all mighty Elder can't even get up! What a sight for sore eyes," He chastised him without any care for the consequences to come for making fun of Abaddon. "So what did you call me over here for?"

"Help," Abaddon managed to croak out.

"You must be going senile. I mean, why would I ever willingly help you?"

Out of a fit of rage, Abaddon forced himself to move, despite the pain in his body. He snagged Cohen's collar, dragging Cohen's neck downward and toward his open mouth. His fangs pierced through Cohen's skin. It felt like two knives were driving their way through the entirety of Cohen's body. He had been bitten plenty of times by Abaddon but this one was the worst. The pain was practically unbearable.

"Remember this well: you're nothing without me. My life gives you purpose. If I perish, you'll be in those High-tiers' shadows forever."

His voice scratched at Cohen's mind, clawing at his sanity as his body convulsed, desperately trying to break free from Abaddon. Though, he refused to let out the screams residing in his throat. He ground his teeth together, silently forcing himself to bear the feeling of his body being torn apart bit by bit.

"Fucking hell," He laughed shakily, using his hand to claw at the arm that had found its way around his torso. "If you're going to drink my blood, at least be gentle."

He tried to keep his voice from wavering while he was borderline pleading with Abaddon to ease up on him. As his blood continued to flow into the Elder's mouth, he grew cold. The only source of warmth he could grasp onto was coming from the very vampire that was putting him through hell.

"Deal with it," Abaddon replied curtly with his hold on Cohen tightening.

"Abaddon...I swear....I'll kill you..."

Cohen lifted his hand up, intending to wrap it around Abaddon's neck. He managed to get a hold of Abaddon's neck but was unable to do anything more. This futile attempt made Abaddon laugh. Cohen's hand fell limp as Abaddon leaned into him, burrowing his fangs in deeper.

    "I suggest you don't make any threats toward me when you're in this position."

Sparks ignited inside Cohen's body. Everything around him was swirling in a haze of splotches of red and black dots. After another minute passed, his body stilled. Despite his efforts to keep his head upright, he found himself falling back to rest his head on Abaddon's right shoulder. Strands of his ginger-colored hair clung to his forehead that was coated with sweat.

    "Bastard, you bastard," He breathed those words out, barely audible.

His unpleasant cursing prompted Abaddon to remove his fangs from Cohen's neck. The momentary relief allowed Cohen to catch his breath. Slowly, his once erratic breathing and heartbeat became normal again. Those few seconds of peace were put to an end by the sudden feeling of Abaddon's fangs forming two circular wounds in his neck once more. This shock wave of pain sent Cohen into hysterics. His chest heaved violently as he choked back the tears pricking his eyes.

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