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Throughout the entirety of the following week, Ember continued to rely on Reed to get through each day. She stuck with him every minute that she could, and when she couldn't be by his side, she folded up within herself. Her thoughts of Casper and Landon would overwhelm her, leaving her only able to stare absentmindedly at the wall or out the window. Right then, she was currently gazing out the window of her classroom, counting down the minutes until the school day ended. A light buzzing sensation in her pocket pulled her attention from the window and to her phone. At first, all she could do was just stare at the message on her home screen. It couldn't be true. There was no way...but, if what she had just read was the truth, then she couldn't just sit in class. She had to go to the hospital to confirm it for herself otherwise her mind would not settle. Ignoring the surprised shouts of her teacher, she rushed out of the classroom, not caring to bring her backpack with her. As she ran through the halls, a classroom door swung open. Out came Reed. The two of them locked eyes, causing them both to come to a stop. 

"Hey, you two! What are you doing out in the halls? You better–..." A security guard began hollering at them, but the two were quick to take off running, hand-in-hand toward the exit.

Their hands stayed locked together through their cab ride to the hospital. They broke away from each other when they reached Landon's room. Shouting could be heard through the thick wood door. That shouting voice became magnified when Ember swung open the door, rushing into the room with Reed following close behind. They came to a slow, a few inches from Landon's hospital bed. Smiles spread across their faces as they watched Landon struggle to get out of the strong bear hug Jared had wrapped him in.

"I can't...breathe! Let me go!" Landon whined, weakly hitting Jared's shoulder blades.

"Shut the fuck up," Jared replied, hugging him even tighter, too happy that Landon was awake to hold himself back.

After a minute passed by, Jared finally realized that there were two prying pairs of eyes boring into him and Landon. Quickly, he jerked away from Landon. His arm lifted from his side and up to his face to wipe away the few tears slipping from his eyes.

Sniffling, he grumbled, "Just so you guys know, I wasn't crying, just..."

"Don't worry, we won't tell everyone you're a big cry baby," Ember jokingly reassured him, already beginning to tear up.

"Says you! You're already crying," Jared pointed out with a huff as he subtly sneaked his hand over to where Landon's open one laid on the bed.

"We all are," Reed said, as he too was starting to feel tears wetting his cheeks.

Fortunately, these were all happy tears that continued to flow as the three of them bombarded Landon with another hug. This one, just like Jared's, was suffocating for Landon, but he decided to stay quiet. After being asleep for one too many days, he needed a hug, even if it was one that crushed all the air from his lungs. The hug only broke when a loud growling sound erupted from Landon's empty stomach. Embarrassed, he smiled sheepishly, placing a hand on his aching stomach that was begging for food.

"I know you guys just got here and all that, but could one of you get me some food?" Landon asked, "Oh! But not just any type of food. I want one of those jello cups or even pudding will do. And...and I'm really in the mood for ramen. Do you think they will have that here? I really hope they–..."

"I'll go get you that pudding and ramen," Ember offered. When she took notice of Jared's and Landon's interlaced fingers, she added, "And I'll take Reed with me. We'll grab lots of pudding cups for you, Landon, just sit tight!"

Before Reed could ask why she was bringing him along, she grabbed him by the hand, hauling him out the door. When they left, silence filled the once rowdy room. That silence allowed for Landon to finally hear the thoughts pressing into his mind. Those thoughts stripped away the once light-hearted feeling in his heart. The hunger in his stomach dissipated as he stiffened.

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