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Ember's heart pounded rapidly in her chest as she looked at the blood coming from her wound and to Landon. She didn't know whether to run, fight, or cry. And so, she just froze, unable to do anything but stare at him, only able to hope that he of all vampires wouldn't be the one to rip her life from her.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you, okay? I just want to heal you," Landon assured Ember as he moved toward her, all the while he held his breath, not daring to take a single whiff of her intoxicating blood. "Please, give me your arm. It'll only last a second."

Despite his warm tone and caring eyes, she couldn't bring herself to trust him. Yes, he was her friend, but friendship won't stop a vampire from craving the blood of a human who has yet to be bitten. Nothing will stop a vampire, not even cries or pleas. That was why she remained fearful, unwilling to listen to Landon. Her reluctance to comply was causing a huge problem. Not only was Landon beginning to struggle to hold back the urge to breathe in through his nose, but other vampires in the vicinity were starting to smell her blood. If her wound wasn't healed soon, Landon wouldn't be the only vampire that would pose a threat to her life.

Knowing this, Landon desperately tried to reason with her once more, "I know you're afraid of me, but trust me, as your friend, I won't bring any harm to you. All I want to do is heal you, really. Nothing more or less."

"I swear on Cheddar and my video games that I won't bite you," Landon promised, something that caused a little bit of fear to shed away from Ember. Still, she wasn't in any hurry to move toward him. This left Landon with no other choice. Though he didn't want to do it, it seemed like the only option left was compulsion. "Ember, you will let me–..."

Suddenly, she moved forward, her shaking arm extending outward. This was a risk, a huge one, but she was willing to take it. She placed her trust in Landon even though she knew very well that it was a stupid move. After all, he was a vampire, a creature that lies to get what they want. But, as she watched Landon gingerly place the palm of his hand on her arm, she knew that Landon did not fall into that category of vampires. No, he, along with the rest of the High-tiers, belonged in a separate category all by themselves.

"It's all healed now, so there's no need to worry," Landon said as the red in his eyes dissipated.

"And why should I be worried?" Ember countered, still on edge after that close call.


Landon had no idea how to answer her question without revealing he knew of her secret. His mind scrambled for a believable excuse or for at least something that might divert the conversation to a different topic. Think, think, think! What would Jared do in this situation? Jared...Jared would...Once he came up with an answer, he acted on it, instantly moving closer to Ember. His face contorted into something resembling an odd-looking smolder.

"You should be worried 'cause I might just bite you," He mimicked Jared's normally seductive tone that always went hand in hand when Jared flirted.

"Like a teething toddler?" Ember laughed, unable to take Landon seriously.

"W-what? No! No! Goddamnit, how does Jared make it sound so cool?" He huffed while avoiding all the swats from Cheddar.

"He just sounds like a perv," Ember shrugged, turning her attention to the orange cat that had almost caused her death a few seconds ago. Despite this, she pulled Cheddar into her lap, allowing Landon to catch a break from trying not to get mauled. Almost as if to apologize for earlier, Cheddar licked her arm that he had scratched. This caused Ember to kiss him one too many times on the top of his head while saying, "Oh, I love you, yes I do!"

She likes him. Reed's exasperated voice echoed through Landon's head as Ember kept saying 'I love you' to Cheddar. It made Landon think of whether Ember would ever say such a thing to Cohen, whether she would repeat it like she is now, and whether she actually liked him or not. Although Reed had said she did, it didn't necessarily mean he was right. Though, Landon couldn't just suddenly ask her if she liked Cohen which was why he sacrificed his arms, quickly grabbing Cheddar from Ember's lap. Cheddar writhed around dramatically. It looked as if he were being tortured, but, of course, the only person being tortured was Landon, as he was the one being scratched. The pain would be all worth it in the end. That was what Landon tried to convince himself as he lifted Cheddar up with Cheddar's back facing him so that Cheddar was now in front of his face.

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