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A thick tension was created between the two girls as they stared each other down. While Ember glared at Aiko, Aiko gave her a smile full of fake sweetness. It killed Aiko from the inside out to waste her smile on Ember, but Aiko couldn't let her true emotions show through. She had to play her cards very carefully, especially since it seemed like Reed and Ember were more than just acquainted with each other.

    "Do you two know each other?" Reed asked in an attempt to clear the unsettling silence.

    "Yes, we're good friends."

    "No, we're not," Ember corrected Aiko.

Reed cleared his throat, shifting from one foot to another. Who was he supposed to believe? His girlfriend or Ember? Considering the fact that Aiko was almost always scheming, he should go with Ember's answer. But, for now, he chose to believe Aiko.

    "I never would have imagined a loner like you had friends," Reed teased Ember who immediately shifted her glare over to him.

    "She's not my friend!" Ember retorted, unable to control her anger.

Based on the speed of her heart rate, she wasn't lying. That meant that Aiko was the liar, which only puzzled him even more. What could Aiko gain from pretending to be friends with Ember when she wasn't? Well, it wasn't exactly his problem to sort out.

    "Oh, come on, Ember!" Aiko talked sweetly even as red began to seep into her purple irises. "If I'm not your friend, then how do I know that you're obsessed with flowers?"

    Ember's hands balled into fists by her sides. If Aiko kept this whole act up, Ember might just end up punching her. Maybe that would knock some sense into that empty head of hers.

    "I was the one who was always there for you," Aiko continued speaking, much to Ember's displeasure.

    "You're spewing a bunch of bullshit," Ember laughed shakily.

    "Don't tell me you forgot already. I mean, it's been a while, but I at least thought you'd remember how I helped you when your mother d-..."

    Before Aiko could finish, Ember clamped her hand over Aiko's mouth. Her green eyes raged with a fury that even sent chills through Reed. Hesitantly, he stepped forward, softly pulling Aiko back. He took his hands off of Aiko's stiff shoulders before moving her behind him. His hand lifted from his side, reaching toward Ember. She flinched, preparing herself for a swift slap across the face, instead his hand just rested on top of her head. One of her eyes opened as she stared at Reed in confusion, only to find that Reed was already staring right back at her. He never thought that the girl who was practically an impenetrable wall of stone could be cracked. Now that he had seen it happen, he never wanted to have to witness it again. It was weird, he knew that yet he didn't care, not one bit. All he cared about was saving Ember from Aiko's relentless tormenting.

    "Go to my dorm and wait for me there," Reed compelled Ember, lifting his hand off her.

As Ember walked away, Reed turned to face Aiko with a fake smile. If she was going to continue acting so horribly, then he might as well give her a taste of her own medicine. He lowered his head down to hers, staring right into those purple eyes. There was still a hint of red lingering near her pupils.

    "Reed, I was so scared when she attacked me." Aiko perfectly played the role of a helpless victim, only succeeding in making Reed feel sick to his stomach.

    "It's alright," He whispered, pulling her in for a hug. As he felt her arms wrap around him, he added, "That's what I would be saying if I was an oblivious idiot."

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