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In the span of only seven hours, the fall of the Kage Rouges was known across the globe. Though, no one knew exactly what had happened behind the blood-stained walls of the abandoned confinement building, except for Ember and the High-tiers. Unfortunately, none of them were willing to utter a single word to any of the reporters that hounded them for answers. It didn't matter how many microphones were shoved in their faces or how many questions were thrown their way. Not a single word was spoken by them.

Their unsaid vow of silence remained strong even through the crowd of reporters that lay in wait for them at the entrance of the hospital. That was until one brave reporter broke from the loud crowd and foolishly placed herself in front of the large hospital doors.

Her arms splayed out on either side of her as she demanded an answer from the all-too-tired High-tiers and Ember, "The world needs to know what happened! You can't avoid us forever! We have a right to know!"

No words of anger left the High-tiers. They only stared at her with emptiness. It had only been a few hours since they watched Landon and Casper get carted away on stretchers. The sound of the paramedics whispering still haunted them. I don't think they'll make it. What happens to us if they die? We need to try to save them, even if it's useless. Those words ran around in circles in their heads as they stood in front of the screaming new reporter that pushed them to say something. Though, it was not Jared or Reed that would speak but Ember. She pushed through the two of them, defensively placing herself between them and the rude news reporter.

The reporter scrunched her eyebrows together as her lips pulled into a scowl. "Move aside. I have no business with the likes of you."

"You, along with the rest of these damn people, have no business with the High-tiers either! They are grieving for their friends that are fighting for their lives in that damn hospital, and yet all you guys care about is getting a scoop for your shitty newspapers? Use your fucking hearts for once and try to have a bit of sympathy!" Ember screamed at the top of her lungs as tears began to well in her eyes. These were not tears of sadness but exhaustion. She, like the High-tiers, was just tired. Tired of the world, tired of everything. "Those four removed one of the most notorious rogue groups, and not a single 'thank you' has been said from anyone. No one has done anything except expect more from them! That's all you guys ever want! More, more, more! When will you be satisfied? How much more do you possibly need? Please, tell me! Tell me so I can tell you how fucking ridiculous you all are!"

Slowly, the reporter dropped her arms to her sides. She looked from Ember, to the High-tiers, then to the crowd of reporters backing away. It seemed that she had finally been given a reality check. The High-tiers that she was clawing at for answers were not just powerful vampires but also fragile humans. Unmistakable streaks of tears were lining Jared's and Reed's faces, yet no one had noticed until Ember yelled. The sight of the High-tiers crying did not rouse any bit of sympathy from the reporters, instead, all they saw was an opportunity. An opportunity to get the best picture possible put across the front page of their articles. The once shocked group of reporters quickly turned to a frenzied, frantic mess as they all pushed forward, cameras at the ready and aimed at the High-tiers' faces. Hundreds of white flashes lit up the area, though neither Jared nor Reed made any move to shield their eyes or run.

"You all can go screw yourselves!" Ember hollered, flipping them all the middle finger before grabbing both Reed's and Jared's hand in either of hers.

She forcibly shoved past the reporter that had tried to block them from entering the hospital. The sound of the angry reporters and their clicking cameras died out as the doors shut behind Ember and the High-tiers. A long sigh expelled from behind her. It came from Jared who wanted to just see Casper and Landon. The hand that had once been tightly holding hers disappeared as Jared silently walked to the front desk. His fists momentarily balled at his sides when he saw the way the nurse was staring at him. She had the same sickening gaze as everyone else. It was a gaze full of questions, not sympathy, pity, or care.

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