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Ember's normally quiet, peaceful lunch was now a rowdier one after four vampires began inviting themselves to eat with her. She would give anything to the High-tiers to get them to shut their noisy mouths for a second. Well, that was anything except for blood. As she munched on her club sandwich, the four vampires, actually, three, since Reed was actually quite quiet for a change, were challenging each other to a contest on who could fit the most grapes in their mouths. Casper was the referee while Jared and Landon stuffed their cheeks like chipmunks with grapes instead of acorns. The timer on Casper's phone hit zero. Both vampires collectively shot the grapes out of their mouths. Quickly, Ember lifted her feet up as she eyed the several moist-looking grapes rolling toward her shoes.

    "Nineteen!" Landon cheerfully announced his total score.

    Jared rolled his eyes, grinning, "It must suck to suck. I got twenty-one."

He made sure to add emphasis on the number to make it clear who was the superior vampire. This was ignored by Landon. In Landon's mind, he had won, not Jared. The two engaged in another immature activity which involved them kicking the shins of the other under the table. Fortunately, there weren't any other students around to see them act so childishly. The perfectly trimmed hedges around the gazebo they sat in provided the privacy they needed. That was exactly why Ember had decided to eat her lunch here. There was no need to worry about people watching them as they ate. Or, rather, as she ate. None of the others seemed to have bought food from the cafeteria. But, Ember had bought an extra piece of food for one vampire that was currently staring off into the distance. She eyed Reed as she pulled a container of chocolate cake from her bag, then slowly slid it over to him.

    "Here, this is for you, Princess." Ember smiled, hoping that Reed would do the same.

    "I'm fine." Reed pushed the container back toward her with the same frown as before. "You should give it to Cohen. He deserves it after walking you back to your dorm yesterday."

     Casper was quick to give Reed a side eye, refraining from letting his power activate. If he accidentally did so, he would have to run for his life once he was done spilling out the truth to Reed's words.

    "Give it to me then. I'll take good care of it," Landon offered, moving his hand toward the container that was conveniently close by.

    "You mean you're gonna eat it," Casper corrected him.

    Landon turned to the left and palmed Casper in the face, almost pushing him right off his chair. Satisfied with this, Landon looked back at Ember. "Ignore him. He's totally wrong." 

    Jared scoffed, butting into the conversation, "Obviously, she's going to give to the hottest one here."

    His ego practically oozed from his ears as he jabbed his thumb toward himself with a cocky grin. If there was anyone in the world that Jared loved the most, it would undoubtedly be himself.

    Ember shrugged, "I don't want it, so I can't give it to myself." This cleverly crafted reply made all of them laugh, except for Reed, who had gone back to staring intently at the tops of the hedges. After Ember caught her breath and calmed down, she finally said, "Sorry, you guys, but I'm going to give it to the ugly, little duckling."

    With an evil smirk, she pushed it back in Reed's direction. When Reed didn't say anything, she hit him in the shoulder, trying to get his attention. In response to this, he went to push the container back to Ember, but Ember stopped him with her hand, placing it on top of his own.

    He sighed, "Just give it to Landon or Jared."

    "No," She firmly stated, "You look like you need it."

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